Event - European IP Helpdesk


The European IP Helpdesk team kicked off a new phase of intellectual property (IP) advisory services. The new Helpdesk service will build on the existing service portfolio, which includes an easy-to-use helpline, an informative website, a comprehensive training programme, guiding materials and publications on ‘hot topics’ in the IP field as well as the implementation of awareness-raising actions, e.g. related to knowledge valorisation practices.


  • European small and medium enterprises (SMEs),
  • innovators,
  • beneficiaries of EU-funded research and innovation (R&I) projects and stakeholders within the European innovation ecosystems – such as universities,
  • public research organisations including their technology transfer offices and spin-offs


8 October 2024 - 10:30


on line

Further information

This lecture series, organised in co-operation with the Horizon Results Platform, addresses IP-related aspects in four areas: It introduces the main aspects of IP management: notably IP as a Business asset, IP and Artificial Intelligence, IP and Software Start Ups and IP and Thinking international - International business Opportunities. Each lecture explores a different aspect of Intellectual Property valorization. The lectures may be of interest to a variety of audiences, from researchers to technology transfer officers. 

For any question

15 Jul 2024
