Call - ERA-NET Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON)

funding scheme

The Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON) aims at coordinating and optimising research efforts and funding programmes of its partner countries in the field of mental, neurological and sensory disorders. The NEURON network has launched its joint transnational call "Bidirectional Brain-Body Interactions".

Who is eligible

  • SMEs
  • Startups
  • Researchers


  • Pre-proposals: 8 March 2024
  • Full submission: 28 June 2024

Further informations

Research proposals should cover at least one of the following areas:
  • Fundamental research on the role of the bidirectional brain-body interaction on the pathogenesis and/or aetiology of neurological and psychiatric diseases. This may include the development of innovative or shared resources and technologies considered of relevance in the context of this call.
  • Pre-clinical and clinical research to develop new strategies for prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation procedures for diseases in which alterations in brain-body communication constitutes a relevant process of the pathology.

For any question

28 May 2024
