SNSF - Update on Resubmission Process & News SNSF Portal

Effective from 1 January 2025 for all new calls (not applicable for ongoing calls or calls that closed in the previous year), researchers will no longer declare applications as resubmissions in the application forms. Additionally, they will no longer submit a written explanation (revision notes) on how they addressed the reasons for rejection when revising their project. As all other proposals, resubmitted projects will in consequence be evaluated exclusively on the new dossier.

However, the SNSF continues to expect researchers to thoroughly revise rejected proposals based on the feedback provided. If an application is found not to be revised, the SNSF reserves the right to exclude it from the process.

We recommend reviewing the updated guidelines once the concerned calls open and ensuring that members of your institution are informed of these changes.

The changes apply to project funding and career funding (i.e. Ambizione, Postdoc.Mobility and SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF).


14 Jan 2025
