Call - ERC Advanced 2024


(Almost) back to Horizon Europe: the ERC Advanced Grant is currently the only ERC scheme open to researchers from Swiss institutions.


Principal Investigators, or "PI" (applicants for the ERC Advanced Grants) are expected to be active researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements.

The PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.

No specific eligibility criteria with respect to the academic requirements are foreseen


  • Submission deadline: 29 August 2024

Further information

A “Letter of commitment of the Host Institution” is required for the submission. This letter is prepared by the RGO and signed at the Rectorate level. Please contact us to be informed about the internal procedure to obtain the letter. 

Applications can be made in any field of research.
The ERC's grants operate on a 'bottom-up' basis without predetermined priorities.

For any question

18 Jun 2024
