Spring 2023

Newsletter Recherche

February 2023

Research and Grants office



New direction

Doctor Romain Cartoni will join the management of the University of Geneva as of June 1, 2023 as Director of the Research and Grants Office.

A biologist trained at the University of Geneva where he completed his PhD, followed by a short post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Lausanne, Romain Cartoni spent nearly 13 years in the USA, first as a post-doctoral fellow at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, then as an assistant professor at Duke University where, for 5 years, he set up a productive and financially sound laboratory. During his time at Duke, he was particularly involved in the follow-up of PhD students within the different doctoral schools of the university. He was named a Whitehead Scholar in 2019 and he received the Thomas R. Lee Award from the BrightFocus Foundation in 2021 as well as a federal RO1 funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
For more than 15 years, Romain has acquired broad knowledge of research funding mechanisms at both national and international levels, and the ability to understand the needs and difficulties of scientists at all levels and in all fields. He has developed a large national and international network of scientists and administrators in universities, private companies, and funding agencies. He is committed to academic values and to promoting a management style based on transparency, respect and flexibility and to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Dr Cartoni's interview:

Why move from research to research support now?
As a researcher, I have always been fascinated by how an institution provides the optimal framework conditions for effective, productive and accountable research. When you are focused on a very specific scientific problem, you do not necessarily realize the importance of this facet of research. So, I always had the idea that one day I would hold a position in this field that would allow me to have a global impact on research. Today, I am extremely enthusiastic to start this second career, especially in my alma mater, an institution that is obviously dear to my heart.

What would be the best US practices in terms of research support that could be transferred to the UNIGE?
First of all, I would like to emphasize that during all my years in the US, I was able to see how much the excellence of Swiss research was recognized there, whether in terms of productivity, stability or funding. However, certain fields are indeed very advanced in the US and could represent formidable avenues for development at the UNIGE. I am thinking, for example, of collaborations between clinicians and researchers in biomedical research, as well as strategies to develop philanthropic support for research. More generally, I think that the dynamism and ambition that characterize American research can only be beneficial to an institution like UNIGE.

What do you mean by a "diverse and inclusive" work environment?
For too long, the work environment was extremely uniform in terms of gender, age and ethnicity. This reflected an institutional mode of operation that promoted one type of individual and unfortunately did not reflect the diversity of society. The UNIGE, by virtue of its place and role in Geneva, Switzerland and internationally, has a duty to be more representative in its personnel and to act in an equitable manner to support the less privileged categories. It is obviously the responsibility of the entire university community to work towards this goal. However, as a member of the UNIGE Executive Committee, I have a responsibility to lead by example. Therefore, at the Research & Grants Office level, I am committed to promoting and cultivating an environment in which everyone is entitled to express their opinions and is treated fairly and respectfully. In addition, the office will reflect as much as possible the diversity of UNIGE researchers.

contact: romain.cartoni(at)unige.ch



Horizon Europe

The European Commission has recently published the calls for projects 2023-2024 for the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation «Horizon Europe». The EU invests 13.5 billion euros to support research meeting environmental, energy, digital and geopolitical challenges, as well as boosting sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Communication (European Commission)
Work Programmes & call documents 2023-2024 (European Commission)
Overview calls 2023-2024 (Euresearch)
Switzerland participates in Horizon Europe with the status of a non-associated high-income third country, meaning that the funding of Swiss participations in EU-selected collaborative projects is guaranteed at national level by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). The ERC and Marie Sklodowska-Curie calls closed for Swiss entities are replaced by similar SNSF calls.
How to participate (Euresearch)
Swiss participation (SERI)
Transitional Measures SNSF

For more information:
European info days – recordings (European Commission)
Info events in Switzerland (Euresearch)
Contact us

Public Consultation

Public Consultation on the European R&I Programmes 2014-2027
The European Commission has launched the public consultation on the past, present and future of the Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027. Through this consultation, stakeholders will be able to share their views on the performance of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe as well as shape the strategic orientations for the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027. Respondents can choose to reply to one, two or all three parts of the questionnaire.  
The consultation is open until 23 February 2023


Free of charge access to RI services for infectious diseases
Do you need specific research services, tools or resources to advance your research in infectious diseases? ISIDORe provides an integrated portfolio of cutting-edge research infrastructures services and resources to study epidemic- and pandemic-prone pathogens including SARS-CoV-2.
The recording and presentations of the Information Webinar dedicated to the ISIDORe calls for proposals (RG4 pathogens, Respiratory pathogens, Vector-borne pathogens, Other Pathogen) are available online. Calls for proposals are described here.

More news

SNSF Newsletter
SEFRI Newsletter
Euresearch Newsletter



Horizon Europe info days


These events aim to inform potential applicants about the funding opportunities of the 2023 calls of the Work programmes 2023-2024.
The recordings of the events are available here.



MSCA-Doctoral Networks

In 2022, UNIGE obtained two participations in MSCA-Doctoral Networks projects as an associated partner (whose doctoral students are funded directly by SERI):
Professor Nicolas Levrat (Global Studies Institute – GSI) for the GEM-DIAMOND project - Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism: Democratic Institutions, the rise of Alternative MOdels and mounting Normative Dissensus -
Professor Hugo Zbinden (Department of Applied Physics of the Faculty of Science) for the QSI project- Quantum-Safe-Internet


Transitional measures implemented by SNSF, on behalf of the Swiss government.

In 2022, SNSF implemented, on behalf of the Swiss government, transitional measures to replace the calls of the European Research Council. In this context, UNIGE researchers obtained 4 SNSF Advanced Grants and 10 Starting Grants. The final results for the Consolidator Grants have yet to be announced.

SNSF Starting Grants

Four UNIGE pIn 2021, 446 applications were submitted for the SNSF Starting Grants 2022. After a two-phase evaluation process, the SNSF selected 62 projects (overall success rate of 13.9%).
UNIGE is the institution that obtained the highest number of grants for this call for projects.
The University of Geneva warmly congratulates the 10 laureates who have been awarded an SNSF Starting Grant 2022, and who will thus be able to carry out their research within the UNIGE, in the Faculty of Humanities (1), in the Faculty of Medicine (2), in the Faculty of Science (5), at the GSEM (1) or in the Faculty of Social Sciences (1).
 The 10 laureates are:
Monika Mrazova - GSEM, Institute of Economics and Econometrics for the project Global and Regional Externalities in Trade Agreements (GRETA)
Baptiste Le Bihan - Humanities, Philosophy for the project Space, Time and Causation in Quantum Gravity
Julie de Dardel - Social Sciences, Geography and Environment for the project Prison Degrowth. A geo-ethnographic study of prison reduction and non-penal alternatives
Charlotte Aumeier - Science, Biochemistry for the project Kinesin-1 regulated microtubule shaft dynamics in cell polarity
Adrien Leleu - Science, Astronomy for the project CARES-RIVERS: Characterising the Architecture of (nearly-)Resonant Exoplanetary Systems – Recognition of Interval Variation in Exoplanet Recovery Surveys
Daniel Pearce - Science, Theoretical Physics for the project Controlling active matter with topological defects
Andreas Boland - Science, Molecular Biology for the project Deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying chromosome segregation
Louk Rademaker - Science, Quantum Matter Physics for the project Quantum Matter with a Twist - The Interplay of Correlations and Topology in Moiré Materials
Ilaria Sani -Medicine, Basic Neurosciences for the project In the object’s shoes: Unveiling a ventro-temporal hub for object-centered space and object-based attention
Simone Becattini - Medicine, Pathology and Immunology for the project Biobehavioral mechanisms underpinning affective response during physical activity (BioAffect)

SNSF/ERC Advanced Grants

232 proposals were submitted to the SNSF/ERC Advanced Grants 2021 funding scheme in December 2021. Among these, the SNSF selected 24 proposals for funding.
The University of Geneva warmly congratulates the 4 laureates who have been awarded an Advanced Grant and who will carry out their research in the different Faculties: 2 in the Geneva School of Social Sciences, 1 in the Faculty of Science and 1 in the Faculty of Humanities.
Professor. Emanuela Ceva - Geneva School of Social Sciences - Department of Political Science & International Relations - The Margins of Corruption
Professor Mary O’Sullivan - Geneva School of Social Sciences -Department of History, Economy and Society - The Fabric of Profit
Professor Stefan Matile - Facutly of Sciences - Department of Organic Chemistry - Translational Dynamic Covalent Exchange Cascades (TIMEUP)
Prof. Paola Merlo - Faculty of Humanities -Disentangling linguistic intelligence: automatic generalisation of structure and meaning across languages


Sinergia, interdisciplinary, collaborative and breakthrough research. Sinergia supports cooperation between two and four groups conducting interdisciplinary research aimed at breakthrough research.

The University of Geneva warmly congratulates the 4 laureates who were awarded a Sinergia following the spring 2022 call for proposals and who will thus be able to carry out their research at the UNIGE and in collaboration with the various Swiss partners of these 3 research projects.
Professor Clémentine Rossier for the project : FamiLEA : The Remaking of the Family in East Africa
Professor Sébastien Castelltort  for the project : Long-term evolution of the Earth from the base of the mantle to the top of the atmosphere: Understanding the mechanisms leading to ‘greenhouse’ and ‘icehouse’ regimes
Professor Anastasios Fragkos and Professor Michele Maggiore for the project : GW-Learn: Deciphering the Gravitation-Wave Universe using the Next-Generation Observatories and Machine Learning




BRIDGE Proof of Concept is aimed at young researchers who wish to develop an application or service based on their research results. These projects may target innovations of all kinds from all research areas.
Submission deadline 25th call: March 6, 2023


Project funding: Make your ideas reality with the SNSF
Submission deadline: April 1st, 2023


The Sinergia programme promotes the interdisciplinary collaboration of two to four research groups that propose breakthrough research.
Submission deadline: April 17, 2023


The aim of Spark is to fund the rapid testing or development of novel and unconventional scientific approaches, methods, theories, standards and ideas, etc. It is designed for projects that show unconventional thinking and introduce a unique approach.
Submission deadline: May 2, 2023




Doc.CH is aimed at promising researchers who wish to write a doctoral thesis on a topic of their own choice in the humanities and social sciences in Switzerland.
Submission deadline: March 15, 2023

Research Equipment (R'Equip)

R'Equip is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who need top-quality, innovative equipment for their research work. The SNSF awards grants for the acquisition and development of large-scale apparatuses in all areas of science.
Submission deadline: May 2, 2023





Interreg is one of the key financial instruments of the European Union (EU) supporting cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation, including in the domain of research and innovation. Implementation of the programme 2021-2027 (Interreg VI) is currently underway. Swiss entities participate with full rights and national funding through federal, cantonal and regional authorities.

Calls for projects are currently open for the France-Switzerland Programme (deadline for pre-registration: 24.02.2023. Final application: 07.04.2023).

For the Alpine Space Programme, calls for classic projects are expected to open in May 2023, with a submission deadline in June 2023 (exact dates to be confirmed).
Further information on forthcoming Interreg calls.

HE-Space – Cluster 4


Maximising the benefits for society and the economy, fostering competitiveness and innovation, reinforcing Europe's autonomy in accessing and using space: all this comprises the European Commission's "Space Strategy for Europe". Opportunities in this Cluster range from Earth observation and navigation systems, to enabling technologies such as launchers, propulsion systems, electronics, and robotics.
Restrictions to the participation of Swiss entities may apply in some topics.
For more information refer to the Euresearch website and Topic Preview Space 2023-2024  
Next submission deadlines: March 2 and 28, 2023

HE-MSCA - Staff Exchanges

The aim is to develop sustainable collaborative projects between different organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe and beyond. Exchanged staff benefit from new knowledge, skills and career development perspectives, while participating organisations increase their research and innovation capacities.
Possible for institutions in Switzerland to participate as “Associated Partner” with SERI funding. Only secondments of staff from Swiss research institutions to host institutions in European Member States and Associated Countries (EU MS/AC) are eligible for funding by SERI!
Submission deadline: March 8, 2023
Euresearch MSCA Staff exchanges Info Event

HE - Digital - Cluster 4

Progress in digital technologies shape all sectors of the economy and society. Research and Innovation actions in this Cluster focus on strengthening the global competitiveness of the European digital sector while taking into account key environmental and societal challenges like sustainability or inclusiveness.
Possible for institutions in Switzerland to participate as “Associated Partner” with SERI funding, except for the Quantum Technologies part!
Next submission deadlines: March 29, 2023
Topic Preview Digital 2023

HE-Industry – Cluster 4

The European Commission’s strategic objective for European industry is to transform it into a clean, climate-neutral, circular and competitive part of the economy. Research and innovation actions in this Cluster focus on the processing industry, the construction sector, manufacturing and materials.
Restrictions to the participation of Swiss entities may apply in some topics.
For more information refer to the Euresearch website and Topic Preview Industry 2023-2024 .
Next submission deadlines: April 20, 2023

HE - MSCA - Postdoctoral Fellowships

MSCA - Postdoctoral Fellowships
PostDoc research fellowships in all scientific domains with free choice of topic.
Possible for Swiss entities to participate as “Associated Partner” within the framework of Global Fellowships (“Outgoing Phase” only)
Submission deadline: September 13, 2023

HE - Cluster 2

Cluster 2, “Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society”, aims to meet EU goals and priorities on enhancing democratic governance and citizens participation,
on the safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage, and to respond to and shape multifaceted social, economic, technological and cultural transformations.
Different calls are open under the three main destinations, Democracy and Governance; Cultural Heritage, and Social and Economic Transformations
Submission deadline: March 14, 2023

Standing up for democracy; - Research and innovation on cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries; - Inclusiveness in times of change; Additional calls will open in May
Submission deadline: September 21st 2023


COST funds pan-European, multi- and interdisciplinary, bottom-up networks of researchers across all science and technology fields. COST does not fund research itself, but provides support for networking activities carried out within COST Actions.
Swiss entities are fully eligible for this call, including as “grant holders”.

Submission deadline: October 25, 2023

HE - Cluster 3

Cluster 3, “Civil Security for society”, supports the implementation of EU policy priorities relating to security, including cybersecurity, infrastructure protection and disaster risk reduction.
Fighting crime and terrorism; Resilient Infrastructure; Border Management;  - Disaster-Resilient Society;  Support to Security Research and Innovation; Increased Cybersecurity. Informations
Submission deadline: November 23rd, 2023

HE-MSCA - Doctoral Networks

HE-MSCA - Doctoral Networks (previously “Innovative Training Networks”)
Doctoral networks implemented by universities, research institutions and businesses, with the aim of training a new generation of researchers.
Possible for institutions in Switzerland to participate as “Associated Partner” with SERI funding.
Submission deadline: November 28, 2023
Recording of Info Event (20 May 2022)


Professor and Vice-Rector Brigitte Galliot,
Director ad-interim Research and Grants Office

Dr Alex Waehry,
Head European and international research support − Euresearch

Research and grants office website



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