Comprising scientific assistants specialized by type of research project (individual, collaborative, infrastructure and innovation), the RGO is able to support you in the administrative and procedural management of your competitively-funded research projects, regardless of the funding source.
We support all UNIGE researchers, whatever their faculty and at every stage of their career, from post-doctorate onwards.
We are also available to non-academic research players in the canton of Geneva to support innovation.
Grants / Calls for projects
All UNIGE researchers are eligible to apply for competitive funding.
For project funding, researchers who are not professors or MER must submit a waiver signed by their supervisor and validated by the Rectorate.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
As of 1 January 2025, Swiss researchers and innovators can now participate in almost all Horizon Europe, Euratom and Digital Europe calls for projects for the 2025 programme year, including as project coordinators. However, technical discussions are still ongoing for specific strategic areas defined by the EU, such as quantum technologies and space operations.
Note: they are not eligible to participate in Specific Objective 3 (cybersecurity) and Specific Objective 6 (semiconductors) calls, which are reserved for EU Member States and, to a lesser extent, EEA countries.
In practice: For all calls for projects from 2025 onwards, Swiss participants must submit their funding applications directly to the EU as beneficiaries. The budget of the Swiss partners must be included in the total amount of funds requested by the consortium from the EU.
The UNIGE PIC to be used in the European portal is: 999974650. Please do not enter the PIC of a faculty, department, institute or center, as this is an institutional number.
Under the general and specific agreements covering scientific collaboration between the HUG and the UNIGE, such applications must always be submitted using the UNIGE affiliation, except when the project in question concerns exclusively a clinical research project. In the case of a translational project, the decision is made on the basis of the project's main characteristics.
We remain at your disposal for any further information.
In principle, any research collaboration with one or more external partners must be formalized by a written agreement signed by a member of the rectorate. Please contact the RGO as soon as the project has been submitted to the funding agency. We will be happy to inform you of the procedure to follow.
As a UNIGE researcher, you could be an attractive target for foreign intelligence services. Before formalizing a partnership, the Rectorate therefore recommends that you carry out a risk self-assessment to help you measure the threat of espionage and the potential for abuse of the knowledge and know-how transmitted in the teaching, research and administration of the institutions mentioned. You can find this self-assessment here: unige.ch/international. Where risks are minimal, this approach is considered sufficient. In such cases, the contract can be signed. If not, a group of experts will guide you through the next steps. This group can be contacted by writing to Olivier.Vincent@unige.ch
We will support you in drawing up your budget by providing you with a calculator that complies with the specific requirements of funding agencies, and by advising you on the eligibility and classification of project costs.
Briefly, the steps involved in accepting funds are as follows. The foundation in question will first be validated and we will ask you to complete a short "compliance self check". If you are not a Professor or MER, you will need to submit a waiver attesting to your faculty's support. The Rectorate will validate this request with our Service Department by return e-mail, and the funds will be transferred. We advise you to contact us as soon as you receive a positive response from the foundation, and we will help you with the necessary formalities.
First of all, congratulations on your achievement!
We can help you. Indeed, we support young researchers from the post-doctoral stage onwards. The RGO pays particular attention to supporting the next generation of academics and young researchers.
Contact us to explore the various sources of post-doctoral funding.
Have a look at this page: Fundings for young academics
Absolutely! Our team is made up of project management specialists as well as former researchers who will be delighted to discuss your career development. Contact us to arrange a meeting, during which we'll explore the various options available to you, based on your profile and motivations.
Welcome to UNIGE! Yes, don't hesitate to contact us as soon as you arrive, or from outside once your appointment has been confirmed.
To help you calculate your academic age, taking into account all the factors that influence it (maternity, paternity, continuing education, etc.), the SNSF has published a practical guide that you can find here:
Of course we do. Our team is made up of specialists from the major funding agencies. Please contact SSR with a brief description of your project and your experience.
The RGO is responsible for preparing and collecting your "Letter of Commitment" for signature by the Rectorate.
Please do not hesitate to contact the staff of the Individual Project They will explain the detailed procedure for each instrument.