Bourses FNS

SNFS grantees summary year 2017-2020

Année 2020


Prénom Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Giulia  Cusin Sciences Gravitational Wave propagation in the clustered universe
Sebastian Ellis Sciences New frontiers from sub-eV to super-TeV
Honglu  Fan Sciences Structures in Gromov-Witten theory
Sabine  Fièvre Médecine Diversity and input sensitivity of piriform cortex neuron identity
Veronica  Gomez-Temesio GSI Triage and Neglected Spaces of Care: Diabetes in Guinea
Vitus  Huber Lettres Körperliche Optimierungspraktiken in der Frühen Neuzeit. Medien und
Methoden der Selbstbeobachtung und Selbstverbesserung
Denis  Karateev Sciences Bootstrapping the QCD Conformal Window
Christopher Bryan Larsen Sciences Bespoke Molecular Machines for Artificial Photosynthesis and Molecular
Marco  Meineri Sciences The bootstrap program beyond local probes
Benjamin  Meyer Médecine The Effect of Immune Imprinting: Epitope-level Analyses of Antibody
Responses to Influenza Immunization Using Phage Display
Eva  Pool FPSE Individual differences in emotional learning underpinning vulnerabilities
to compulsive reward-seeking behaviors
Timothée  Proix Médecine Neural manifolds for speech processing
Stefano  Riolo Sciences Hyperbolic 4-manifolds and deformations
Gleb  Smirnov Sciences Automorphism groups of four-manifolds
Mate  Veres Lettres Excellence and expertise in Hellenistic philosophy



Prénom Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Simon Braun Médecine Epigenome editing to study chromatin remodeling during brain development
Ivana Gasic Sciences Tubulin Quantity Control and Microtubule Homeostasis
Monika Lendl Sciences TITANIA: TIme variabliTy As a New window on exoplanet
Pierre Mégevand Médecine Neuronal biomarkers of seizure activity in human epilepsy
Steven Schramm Sciences Turning noise into data: a discovery strategy for new
weaklyinteracting physics
Thomas Sheldrake Sciences

Geochemical imprint of volcanism in corals - GEOVOLCO



Année 2019


Prénom Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Gaël  Buldgen Sciences Seismic inversions and modelling of transport processes in stars
Javier  Del Valle Granda Sciences Correlated oxides for Neuromorphic Computing
Simon  Flandin FPSE Resilience-Oriented Training for Safety-concerned Organizations
Dominik  Gruber Sciences The spectrum of infinite monster groups
Merlin  Kole Sciences Understanding Gamma-Ray Bursts using Multi-Instrument and Multi-Parameter studies
Pablo Marchant Sciences Understanding the formation of the most massive stellar black
Giacomo  Mazza Sciences Quantum Materials and Cavity QED
Giovanni  Merlo Lettres The privileged present: from phenomenology to metaphysics
Graziano Oldani Médecine Immunosuppression-free transplantation of autologous livers grown in xenogeneic species
Marti  Perarnau Llobet Sciences Quantum Thermodynamics: From foundations to applications
Minerva  Rivas Velarde Médecine Assessing the Impact of Video Remote Sign Language Interpreting in Healthcare: Linking Disability Studies with Empirical Challenges of Public Health Research
Paolo  Sachet Lettres The Greek Imprint on Europe: Patristics and Publishing in the Early Swiss Reformation
Josef Philipp  Trein SDS The Politicization of E-Government. A Comparative Analysis across Policy Domains and Countries
Boris Cheval CISA Behaviors minimizing energetic cost: A reward?
Charles Girard Lettres La forme dans tous ses états : forme et types de formes dans les commentaires au Livre des six principes (XIIIe-XIVe)
Andrea Giuliani Sciences A new understanding of kimberlite magmas from deep Earth to diamond mines
Janis Hagelberg Sciences Planets with Two Suns
Baptiste Le Bihan Lettres Composing the World Out of Nowhere: The Mereological Structures of Quantum Gravity
Patrick Naef Sciences La construction d’un modèle de 'ville résiliente' dans le programme '100 Resilient Cities' : Regards croisés sur La Nouvelle-Orléans et Medellin
Hamsa Padmanabhan Sciences Probing the universe: through reionization and beyond
Devani Singh Lettres To the Reader: The English Preface in Print, c. 1475-1623
Michael Stuart Lettres Imagination in Science: What is it, how do we learn
from it, and how can we improve it?



Prénom Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Géraldine Haack Sciences Mesoscopic quantum thermal machines




Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Barberon Sciences Dynamics and plasticity of carrier-mediated nutrient transport in roots
Becattini  Médecine Harnessing the interactions between gut microbiota and immune system
Carron Sciences New methods for next-generation CMB lensing
Cegla Sciences A Pathway to the Confirmation and Characterisation of Habitable Alien Worlds
Chappatte GSI The contemporary expansion of Corporate Islam in rural
West Africa
Engelke  GSEM Graph structures, sparsity and high-dimensional inference for extremes
Gruber CISA Why do we use tools? Investigating the drivers of tool use in nonhumans and humans
Hondele Sciences The role of DEAD-box ATPases in the regulation of membraneless RNA organelles and spatio-temporal control of gene expression
Rimmele FPSE How emotion, stress and their regulation shape and alter
episodic memories across the life span
Taieb Lettres A Sensible World. The Problem of Secondary Qualities in and Around the School of Brentano
Trutnevyte Sciences
Accuracy of long-range national energy projections




Prénom Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Lucia  Kleint  Sciences Understanding Solar and Stellar Flares
with Machine Learning
 Annalisa  De Cia Sciences Interstellar one: one vision for the
Interstellar Medium at all cosmic times



Prénom Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Claudio Calosi Lettres The Metaphysics of Quantum Objects
Perrine Castets Médecine Physiology of neuromuscular junctions: Mechanisms underlying the maintenance and plasticity of synaptic structures in skeletal muscle
Florian Cova Lettres Eudaimonic emotions and the (meta)philosophy of well-being
Sami EI-Boustani Médecine Brain circuit dissection of context-dependent multisensory
Miriam Stoeber Médecine Mechanisms Underlying Subcellular Location Bias of Opioid Receptor Signaling
Evie Vergauwe FPSE Paying attention to remember: Insights from Behavior, Brain,
Development and Disorder





Prénom Nom Faculté Titre du projet
Franz Dolveck Lettres Ausone, aux sources médiévales d'un problème antique
(IVe-XVIe siècle)
Pierre Fabre Médecine Chromatin Organization and Transcriptional Regulation of Axon Guidance Decision
Michele Filippone Sciences Dynamics of strongly correlated quantum systems and
Marco Gibertini Sciences Topology and magnetism in novel 2D materials and
Tatu Samuli Kumpulainen Sciences Excited-State Proton Transfer in Solutions and at Biologically Relevant Interfaces
Sana Intidhar Labidi-Galy Médecine Impact of oophorectomy on breast cancers in BRCA1
mutation carriers
Mael Lebreton CISA A neuro-computational investigation of value precision
Jasmine Lorenzini SDS Political Consumerism in Switzerland: Linking Food Consumption, Conceptions of Citizenship, and Political Engagements
Gina Potarca SDS How Does the Internet Change Modern Romance?
Louk Rademaker Sciences Sluggish quantum matter: slow dynamics in many-body localized and glassy systems
Arunabha Saha Sciences The Large D Black Hole Membrane Paradigm
Maude Schneider Médecine Towards an embodied and ecological understanding of social impairments in neurodevelopmental disorders
Linda Simmler Médecine Mechanism-Based Reversal of Pathological Synaptic Plasticity in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as Strategy for Pharmacological Treatment
Caterina Tarlazzi Lettres Naturae. Natural Kinds in the Teaching of Peter Abelard and His Rivals, c. 1090-1160
Martina Valentini Médecine RNA-binding proteins as multifaceted
regulators of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lifestyles