Bourses FNS
SNFS grantees summary year 2017-2020
Année 2020
Prénom | Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Giulia | Cusin | Sciences | Gravitational Wave propagation in the clustered universe |
Sebastian | Ellis | Sciences | New frontiers from sub-eV to super-TeV |
Honglu | Fan | Sciences | Structures in Gromov-Witten theory |
Sabine | Fièvre | Médecine | Diversity and input sensitivity of piriform cortex neuron identity |
Veronica | Gomez-Temesio | GSI | Triage and Neglected Spaces of Care: Diabetes in Guinea |
Vitus | Huber | Lettres | Körperliche Optimierungspraktiken in der Frühen Neuzeit. Medien und Methoden der Selbstbeobachtung und Selbstverbesserung |
Denis | Karateev | Sciences | Bootstrapping the QCD Conformal Window |
Christopher Bryan | Larsen | Sciences | Bespoke Molecular Machines for Artificial Photosynthesis and Molecular Electronics |
Marco | Meineri | Sciences | The bootstrap program beyond local probes |
Benjamin | Meyer | Médecine | The Effect of Immune Imprinting: Epitope-level Analyses of Antibody Responses to Influenza Immunization Using Phage Display |
Eva | Pool | FPSE | Individual differences in emotional learning underpinning vulnerabilities to compulsive reward-seeking behaviors |
Timothée | Proix | Médecine | Neural manifolds for speech processing |
Stefano | Riolo | Sciences | Hyperbolic 4-manifolds and deformations |
Gleb | Smirnov | Sciences | Automorphism groups of four-manifolds |
Mate | Veres | Lettres | Excellence and expertise in Hellenistic philosophy |
Prénom | Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Simon | Braun | Médecine | Epigenome editing to study chromatin remodeling during brain development |
Ivana | Gasic | Sciences | Tubulin Quantity Control and Microtubule Homeostasis |
Monika | Lendl | Sciences | TITANIA: TIme variabliTy As a New window on exoplanet clImAtes |
Pierre | Mégevand | Médecine | Neuronal biomarkers of seizure activity in human epilepsy |
Steven | Schramm | Sciences | Turning noise into data: a discovery strategy for new weaklyinteracting physics |
Thomas | Sheldrake | Sciences |
Geochemical imprint of volcanism in corals - GEOVOLCO |
Année 2019
Prénom | Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Gaël | Buldgen | Sciences | Seismic inversions and modelling of transport processes in stars |
Javier | Del Valle Granda | Sciences | Correlated oxides for Neuromorphic Computing |
Simon | Flandin | FPSE | Resilience-Oriented Training for Safety-concerned Organizations |
Dominik | Gruber | Sciences | The spectrum of infinite monster groups |
Merlin | Kole | Sciences | Understanding Gamma-Ray Bursts using Multi-Instrument and Multi-Parameter studies |
Pablo | Marchant | Sciences | Understanding the formation of the most massive stellar black holes |
Giacomo | Mazza | Sciences | Quantum Materials and Cavity QED |
Giovanni | Merlo | Lettres | The privileged present: from phenomenology to metaphysics |
Graziano | Oldani | Médecine | Immunosuppression-free transplantation of autologous livers grown in xenogeneic species |
Marti | Perarnau Llobet | Sciences | Quantum Thermodynamics: From foundations to applications |
Minerva | Rivas Velarde | Médecine | Assessing the Impact of Video Remote Sign Language Interpreting in Healthcare: Linking Disability Studies with Empirical Challenges of Public Health Research |
Paolo | Sachet | Lettres | The Greek Imprint on Europe: Patristics and Publishing in the Early Swiss Reformation |
Josef Philipp | Trein | SDS | The Politicization of E-Government. A Comparative Analysis across Policy Domains and Countries |
Boris | Cheval | CISA | Behaviors minimizing energetic cost: A reward? |
Charles | Girard | Lettres | La forme dans tous ses états : forme et types de formes dans les commentaires au Livre des six principes (XIIIe-XIVe) |
Andrea | Giuliani | Sciences | A new understanding of kimberlite magmas from deep Earth to diamond mines |
Janis | Hagelberg | Sciences | Planets with Two Suns |
Baptiste | Le Bihan | Lettres | Composing the World Out of Nowhere: The Mereological Structures of Quantum Gravity |
Patrick | Naef | Sciences | La construction d’un modèle de 'ville résiliente' dans le programme '100 Resilient Cities' : Regards croisés sur La Nouvelle-Orléans et Medellin |
Hamsa | Padmanabhan | Sciences | Probing the universe: through reionization and beyond |
Devani | Singh | Lettres | To the Reader: The English Preface in Print, c. 1475-1623 |
Michael | Stuart | Lettres | Imagination in Science: What is it, how do we learn from it, and how can we improve it? |
Prénom | Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Géraldine | Haack | Sciences | Mesoscopic quantum thermal machines |
Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Barberon | Sciences | Dynamics and plasticity of carrier-mediated nutrient transport in roots |
Becattini | Médecine | Harnessing the interactions between gut microbiota and immune system |
Carron | Sciences | New methods for next-generation CMB lensing |
Cegla | Sciences | A Pathway to the Confirmation and Characterisation of Habitable Alien Worlds |
Chappatte | GSI | The contemporary expansion of Corporate Islam in rural West Africa |
Engelke | GSEM | Graph structures, sparsity and high-dimensional inference for extremes |
Gruber | CISA | Why do we use tools? Investigating the drivers of tool use in nonhumans and humans |
Hondele | Sciences | The role of DEAD-box ATPases in the regulation of membraneless RNA organelles and spatio-temporal control of gene expression |
Rimmele | FPSE | How emotion, stress and their regulation shape and alter episodic memories across the life span |
Taieb | Lettres | A Sensible World. The Problem of Secondary Qualities in and Around the School of Brentano |
Trutnevyte | Sciences ISE |
Accuracy of long-range national energy projections (ACCURACY) |
Prénom | Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Lucia | Kleint | Sciences | Understanding Solar and Stellar Flares with Machine Learning |
Annalisa | De Cia | Sciences | Interstellar one: one vision for the Interstellar Medium at all cosmic times |
Prénom | Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Claudio | Calosi | Lettres | The Metaphysics of Quantum Objects |
Perrine | Castets | Médecine | Physiology of neuromuscular junctions: Mechanisms underlying the maintenance and plasticity of synaptic structures in skeletal muscle |
Florian | Cova | Lettres | Eudaimonic emotions and the (meta)philosophy of well-being |
Sami | EI-Boustani | Médecine | Brain circuit dissection of context-dependent multisensory integration |
Miriam | Stoeber | Médecine | Mechanisms Underlying Subcellular Location Bias of Opioid Receptor Signaling |
Evie | Vergauwe | FPSE | Paying attention to remember: Insights from Behavior, Brain, Development and Disorder |
Prénom | Nom | Faculté | Titre du projet |
Franz | Dolveck | Lettres | Ausone, aux sources médiévales d'un problème antique (IVe-XVIe siècle) |
Pierre | Fabre | Médecine | Chromatin Organization and Transcriptional Regulation of Axon Guidance Decision |
Michele | Filippone | Sciences | Dynamics of strongly correlated quantum systems and devices |
Marco | Gibertini | Sciences | Topology and magnetism in novel 2D materials and interfaces |
Tatu Samuli | Kumpulainen | Sciences | Excited-State Proton Transfer in Solutions and at Biologically Relevant Interfaces |
Sana Intidhar | Labidi-Galy | Médecine | Impact of oophorectomy on breast cancers in BRCA1 mutation carriers |
Mael | Lebreton | CISA | A neuro-computational investigation of value precision |
Jasmine | Lorenzini | SDS | Political Consumerism in Switzerland: Linking Food Consumption, Conceptions of Citizenship, and Political Engagements |
Gina | Potarca | SDS | How Does the Internet Change Modern Romance? |
Louk | Rademaker | Sciences | Sluggish quantum matter: slow dynamics in many-body localized and glassy systems |
Arunabha | Saha | Sciences | The Large D Black Hole Membrane Paradigm |
Maude | Schneider | Médecine | Towards an embodied and ecological understanding of social impairments in neurodevelopmental disorders |
Linda | Simmler | Médecine | Mechanism-Based Reversal of Pathological Synaptic Plasticity in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as Strategy for Pharmacological Treatment |
Caterina | Tarlazzi | Lettres | Naturae. Natural Kinds in the Teaching of Peter Abelard and His Rivals, c. 1090-1160 |
Martina | Valentini | Médecine | RNA-binding proteins as multifaceted regulators of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lifestyles |