Bourses FNS

SNSF/ERC Advanced Grants 2021

232 proposals were submitted to the SNSF/ERC Advanced Grants 2021 funding scheme in December 2021. Among these, the SNSF selected 24 proposals for funding.

The University of Geneva counts 4 laureates who will carry out their research in the different Faculties: 2 in the Geneva School of Social Sciences, 1 in the Faculty of Science and 1 in the Faculty of Humanities.

Prof. Emanuela Ceva - Geneva School of Social Sciences - Department of Political Science & International Relations -  The Margins of Corruption

Ceva Emanuela.png

Prof Mary O’Sullivan - Geneva School of Social Sciences -Department of History, Economy and Society - The Fabric of Profit



Stefan Matile - Facutly of Sciences  - Department of Organic Chemistry  - Translational Dynamic Covalent Exchange Cascades (TIMEUP)





Prof. Paola Merlo - Faculty of Humanities  -Disentangling linguistic intelligence: automatic generalisation of structure and meaning across languages