EURAXESS – Recherche en mouvement
EURAXESS – Researchers in motion
EURAXESS – “Researchers in motion” is a pan-European initiative to promote research careers and facilitate the mobility of researchers across Europe, developing activities along 4 thematic axes:
- EURAXESS Jobs, an electronic recruitment tool allowing for posting CVs, getting useful information, announcing vacancies for universities/companies
- EURAXESS Services, a network of more than 500 centres which assist researchers and their families to plan and organise a stay in a foreign country
- EURAXESS Rights, providing guidelines setting out the rights and duties of researchers and research/funding institutions (European Charter for researchers and Code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers)
- EURAXESS Links, which provides interactive web services to European researchers working abroad and information about trans-national career opportunities (US, Japan, China, etc.).
Switzerland actively participates in the EURAXESS initiative (coordination: swissuniversities) since its creation in 2005.
UNIGE is a member of the Swiss and European EURAXESS networks.
The Research and Grants Office – Euresearch acts as EURAXESS entry point in the Geneva region. At institutional level, the Research Services – Euresearch coordinates the various actions together with all other UNIGE services and bodies concerned. For its part, the Welcome Center UNIGE/HUG directly answers questions related to relocation and dual careers.
In this context, it may be noted that the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) fund in particular the mobility of researchers at all stages of their career, irrespective of their nationality, age and discipline – thus standing at the forefront of the EURAXESS mission.
Promotional video of the EURAXESS Switzerland network (swissuniversities)
For more information:
--> EURAXESS website (European Commission)
--> Portal of EURAXESS Switzerland (swissuniversities)
--> Page LinkedIn EURAXESS Switzerland
--> Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (Euresearch)