Young Researcher's day 2018
Presentations of the 4th of October :
- Working at UNIGE: functions, contracts, conflicts, rights/obligations of research and teaching assistants and doctoral students (Marie-Claire Cors-Huber, Director Human Resources Services, UNIGE)
- Training and skills development during the doctorate I: CUSO doctoral programs (Denis Billotte, Secretary General, CUSO)
- Training and skills development during the doctorate II: support for doctoral students (Mallory Schaub Geley, Head of centre for teaching and learning support, DIFE, UNIGE)
- Support for getting your thesis off to a good start: StartingDoc, Mentoring, REGARD workshops, etc. (Brigitte Mantilleri, Director Equal Opportunities Office, UNIGE)
- Financing and mobility during and after the doctorate: SNSF grants(Pierre Barrouillet, President of the Secretariat, SNSF Research Commission; Eliane Abou Mansour, ad-interim Head of Lemanic and national research support, Research Services, UNIGE)
- Conflict management (Marie-Claire Cors-Huber, Director Human Resources Services); personality protection (Hélène Rey Hanson, ); health and security at work (Anna-Sofia Ferro-Luzzi, Security Engineer, STEPS, DIBAT, UNIGE)
- Lemanic and National Research support presentation (Eliane Abou Mansour, ad-interim Head of Lemanic and national research support,Research Services, UNIGE)
- Financing and mobility during and after the doctorate: European programs: Marie Skłodowska-Curie (Daniel Fuhrer, Scientific Collaborators, Euresearch Geneva, Research Services, UNIGE)and ERC (Manuela Motta, Scientific Collaborators, Euresearch Geneva, Research Services, UNIGE)
- Research and Innovation in the industrial sector with the European funding of Horizon 2020 (Eva Servoli, Company Advisor – Euresearch Geneva, Research Services, UNIGE)
- Testimony II (Adriano Garonna, Co-Founder of EBA Med, Geneva)