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Horizon Europe - Key Links and Documents
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ERC Proof of Concept
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FAQ pour la recherche
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Reinventing Democracy in UE: Youth Doing Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities
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Projet Individuel
Pour la gestion administrative et procédurale de leurs projets individuels, les chercheurs et chercheuses de l'UNIGE peuvent se tourner vers le Service de soutien à la recherche.
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Permanences du Service de soutien à la recherche (SSR) de l'UNIGE, pour tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur votre projet de recherche
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Security Innovation Award 2025 – 19/03/2024
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Données institutionnelles
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Mise à jour sur le processus de resoumission et nouvelles Portail du FNS
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Cusin Giulia
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Braun Simon
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EDCTP Q&A Session for Calls 2025 - 03/03/2025
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Lauréat-e-s des appels FNS - liste années 2017-2020
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Printemps 2025
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Abanin Dmitry
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Haack Géraldine
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De Cia Annalisa
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Romain Cartoni
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Cusin Giulia
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SNSF Consolidator Grant 2022
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Directives, guides et éthique
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New Generation Cell Therapy: Bioartificial Pancreas to Cure Type 1 Diabetes
Coordinator : BERISHVILI Ekaterine
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Haack Géraldine
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Bourses FNS
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De Cia Annalisa
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Appel à candidatures | Programme l’Oréal-UNESCO Prix femmes et science en Suisse - 31/03/2025
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Ellis Sebastian
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Braun Simon
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Opportunités de financement européennes (ERC) - 05/03/2025
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Première connexion
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Gasic Ivana
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IHI Q&A Session for Calls 9 and 10 - 11/03/2025
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Automne 2024
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Kleint Lucia
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ERC Synergy grants
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Grants Office
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Ellis Sebastian
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Penetrating Particle Analyzer
Coordinator: WU Xin
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Hélène Gruber
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ERC grants submissions
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Eté 2024
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Kleint Lucia
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Trouver un financement en 15 minutes - 05/06/2025
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Alekseev Anton
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Gasic Ivana
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Mode d'emploi
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UNIGE Research Stories
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Lendl Monika
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Guérin Amandine
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Horizon Implementation Day: Finding opportunities and submitting a proposal in Horizon Europe - 13/03/2025
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Info Event Chips JU Horizon Europe Calls 2025 - 06/03/2025
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Programme FLARE 2023-2024
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Projet Collaboratif
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Quantum Random Numbers Generator
Coordinator : ZBINDEN Hugo
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Guérin Amandine
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Impact of ERC for UNIGE and Researchers
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European Innovation Council Pathfinder Challenges – Work Programme 2025 Info Day - 04/04/2024
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships call 2025 - Info Event - 15/04/2025
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Participation aux appels à projets à partir de l’année de programme 2025
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Lendl Monika
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SNFS grantees summary year 2017-2020
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Sarah El Taib
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Printemps 2024
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Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital Pitching Session - 19/03/2025
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Horizon Europe
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Prix Marie Heim-Vögtlin
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Projet infrastructure
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Alekseev Anton
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Financement pour la relève académique
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Automne 2023
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Marie Heim-Vögtlin price
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Elvire Beziz
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Antonarakis Stylianos
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Nouveautés RISe pour vos données de recherche
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Publications de livres en Open Access
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Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe - 20/03/2025
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Horizon Europe
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Swiss Information Event on the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) 2025 Call - 20/03/2025
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La Suisse réintègre la ligue des champions européenne
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Programme cadre H2020
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Projet Innovation
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Citizen Science for Monitoring Climate Impacts and Achieving Climate Resilience
Coordinator : GREY Francois
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Roper Pol Alberto
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Été 2023
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Publications de livres en Open Access
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European funding instruments
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Andreas Schmalz
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ERC Advanced grants
Acronym: NATURE_NURTURE Title: Intrinsic and extrinsic determinants of neuronal identity
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EDCTP prizes - mi-mars
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Christiane Bezuchet
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Ateliers REGARD 2025
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Abanin Dmitry
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Roper Pol Alberto
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Publié le
Antonarakis Stylianos
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Lathuilière Aurélien
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SNSF Advanced Grants 2023 pour 2 chercheuses et chercheurs UNIGE
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Printemps 2023
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Health Information Event for 2025 Calls - 25/03/2025
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ERC Starting grants
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Personnel administratif en soutien
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Programme cadre FP7
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Baumberger Felix
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Evénements du SSR
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Autonomous vehicles to evolve to a new urban experience
Coordinator: Dimitri Konstantas
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Lathuilière Aurélien
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FEBS Excellence Awardees 2024 - Omaya Dudin
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Daniel Fuhrer
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Pittet Laure
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Mesures transitoires Horizon Europe (FNS)
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ESPON call for tenders - ReCoCliN Regional Contributions to Climate Neutrality - 15/04/2025
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Automne 2022
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ERC Consolidator grants
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Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal? - 27/03/2025
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Consolidator 2022
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Premier appel à projets MARVIS
Le FNS lance la mise au concours Multidisciplinary Applied Research Ventures in Space (MARVIS). Avec cet instrument, nous soutenons des projets de recherche spatiale portés par des consortiums.
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Pittet Laure
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AUF- IntenSciF 2025 Appel à propositions - 10/05/2025
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Pello Caterina
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Manuela Motta
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Eté 2022
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Bavelier Daphné
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Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Management in Horizon Europe - 03/04/2025
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10 years of the ERC programme at UNIGE
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Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) Info Day 2025 - 03/04/2025
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Publié le
Pello Caterina
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AUF Co//ectif Appel à propositions 2025 - 25/05/2025
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Bréchet Lucie
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Federico Petrolo
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Printemps 2022
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Les bourses Postdoc.Mobility du FNS permettent aux postdoctorant-e-s d'effectuer un séjour de recherche postdoc à l'étranger.
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European Research Council (ERC)
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Bavelier Daphné
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Lauréat-e-s Ambizione
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Beiras Marcos Marino
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FAIR CHARM - Fast Infrared Coherent Harmonic Microscopy
Coordinator: BONACINA Luigi
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Bréchet Lucie
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Swiss-Danish Matchmaking on Quantum in Horizon Europe - 06/05/2025
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Carocci Francesca
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Katja Weigl
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ERC Synergy grants
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Programme cadre H2020
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Ambizione Grantees
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SMI2G - Security Mission Information & Innovation Group Event 2025 - 06/05/2025
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Lauréat-e-s PRIMA
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Bellone Camilla
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Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) – 2ème mise au concours
Le programme SOR4D invite les scientifiques et les acteurs du développement à collaborer au sein de consortiums transnationaux et transdisciplinaires.
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Vladan Janjusevic
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Carocci Francesca
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Sant'Anna André
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Cluster 4 'Digital, Industry and Space' Information Days - 13-14/05/2025
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PRIMA Grantee
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Sophie Betka
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FLARE 2023-2024
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Sant'Anna André
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Roehri Nicolas
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Horizon Europe Opportunités du Cluster 1 Health - 15/05/2025
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Roberta Faggian Marque
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Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) programme – 2nd call
The SOR4D programme invites researchers and development actors from policy and practice to collaborate in transnational and transdisciplinary consortia.
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Roehri Nicolas
Publié le
Bellone Camilla
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Lebedev Dmitry
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Programme cadre H2020
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Benetti Genolini
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Nouvelle étude de sélection des PRN
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Horizon Europe info days - WIDERA Work Programme 2025 - 20/05/2025
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Benjamin Philippe
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Lebedev Dmitry
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Horizon Europe
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Bonvin Camille
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Fabricio Jantarada
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Horizon Europe Info Days: Cluster 1 - Health - 22/05/2025
Publié le
Benetti Genolini
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Programme cadre FP7
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Lutz Philipp
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Lutz Philipp
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Ackermann Guy
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Ysadora Charital
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Horizon Europe info days - EU Missions - 22-23/05/2025
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SNSF Advanced Grants 2022
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Bonvin Camille
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Open Academy Schools 2025 ERDERA - 05/06/2025
Publié le
Ackermann Guy
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Weilenmann Mirjam
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Julien Levallois
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Bourrier Vincent
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Programme cadre H2020
Publié le
Weilenmann Mirjam
Publié le
Berchtold Lena
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SNSF Starting Grants 2025 - Information SSR
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Bourrier Vincent
Publié le
Berchtold Lena
Publié le
Braun Simon
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Sandini Corrado
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Sandini Corrado
Publié le
Venturini Julia
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Programme cadre H2020
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Brochet Mathieu
Publié le
Venturini Julia
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Müller Lucas
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Brunner Nicolas
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MSCA COFUND & Swiss Participation (24/10)
Be informed about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action and how institutions based in Switzerland can participate.
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Müller Lucas
Publié le
07 - juillet
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Caricchi Luca
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MSCA COFUND & Swiss Participation (24/10)
Be informed about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action and how institutions based in Switzerland can participate.
Publié le
Carleton Alan
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Ilaria Sani, Faculté de Médecine, SNSF Ambizione - appel 2021
In the object’s shoes: Unveiling a ventro-temporal hub for object-centered space and object-based attention.
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e-Research (HPC, Yareta...)
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Lucie Bréchet, Faculté de Médecine, SNSF Ambizione - appel 2021
Improvement of memory in Mild Cognitive Impairment using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) guided by high-density EEG and MRI.
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Carleton Alan
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Corrado Sandini, Faculté de Médecine, SNSF Ambizione - appel 2021
Towards an ecological understanding of affective and sleep co-morbidities during adolescence in ADHD, through dynamic network analysis.
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Carleton Alan
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FAQ Pivot-RP
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Laure Pittet, Faculté de Médecine, SNSF Ambizione - appel 2021
Harnessing the beneficial non- specific effects of early measles vaccination in children.
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Louk Rademaker, Faculté des sciences, SNSF Starting Grant - appel 2022
Quantum Matter with a Twist - The Interplay of Correlations and Topology in Moiré Materials.
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Coppari Roberto
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Meet a Company: Astellas
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Dmitry Lebedev, Faculté des sciences, SNSF Ambizione - appel 2021
Magneto-opto-electronics of novel 2D magnetic semiconductors.
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Alberto Roper Pol, Faculté des sciences, SNSF Ambizione - appel 2021
Exploring the early universe with gravitational waves and primordial magnetic fields
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Coppari Roberto
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Charlotte Aumeier, Faculté des Sciences, SNSF Ambizione - appel 2021
Kinesin-1 regulated microtubule shaft dynamics in cell polarity.
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Coppari Roberto
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Interreg Alpine Space Small-scale projects
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Interreg North-West Europe
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Paola Merlo, Faculté de lettres, SNSF Advanced Grant - appel 2021
Disentangling linguistic intelligence: automatic generalisation of structure and meaning across languages.
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Cusin Giulia
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Appel - MELiSSA Doctorate and Postdoctoral Proposals
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Coppari Roberto
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Emanuela Ceva, Faculté des Sciences de la Société, SNSF Advanced Grant - appel 2021
The margins of Corruption
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Interreg Urbact
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Stefan Matile, Faculté des sciences, SNSF Advanced Grant - appel 2021
Disentangling linguistic intelligence: automatic generalisation of structure and meaning across languages.
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D'Onofrio Federico
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Anton Alexeev, Faculté des Sciences, département de Mathématiques,
ERC 10 years
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De Cia Annalisa
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Interreg Europe
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Interreg Espace alpin: projets classiques
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Mary O'Sullivan, Faculté des Sciences de la Société, SNSF Advanced Grant - appel 2021
The Fabric of Profit
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Duboule Denis
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Interreg France-Suisse
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Monika Gjorgjieva Ducros - Faculté de Médecine - SNSF Ambizione 2024
Metabolic chronic kidney disease driven renal cell carcinoma
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Dermitzakis Emmanouil
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ERC grants at UNIGE
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Mélanie Habouzit, Faculté des sciences, SNSF Starting Grant 2023
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Dumusque Xavier
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Eckmann Jean-Pierre
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Publications scientifiques, libre accès
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Ehrenreich David
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Project Management
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Programme FLARE 2023-2024
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Ellis Sebastian
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Garibian Sévan
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Brain health - 12/11/2024
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Gasic Ivana
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Pôles de Recherche Nationaux (NCCRs)
De l’architecture durable aux ordinateurs quantiques, en passant par l’origine évolutive de la langue, les PRN encouragent des projets de recherche s’inscrivant à long terme sur des thèmes d’importance stratégique pour la Suisse.
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ERC Synergy grant 2024 - Une chercheuse de l’UNIGE se distingue
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Gay-Canton Réjane
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Giraud-Mamessier Anne-Lise
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Financement des mesures transitoires relatives au paquet Horizon
Afin d’atténuer de façon efficace et ciblée les effets du statut de pays tiers qui est actuellement celui de la Suisse dans le paquet Horizon 2021–2027, le Conseil fédéral a prévu de financer des mesures transitoires
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Gisin Nicolas
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Événement - European Partnership on the Circular Bio-based Joint Underkaing (CBE-JU) - Euresearch
L'appel à propositions de projets de l'entreprise commune Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE-JU) 2024 est ouvert à la soumission depuis le 24 avril 2024.
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Interreg Alpine Space Small-scale projects
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Gisin Nicolas 2
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Gonzalez-Gaitan Marcos
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Gonzalez-Gaitan Marcos 2
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Guichard Paul
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Événement - Journées d'information consacrées aux appels à propositions EU Missions 2024
Les 25 et 26 avril 2024, la Commission européenne organise des journées d'information consacrées aux appels à propositions EU Missions 2024.
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Haack Géraldine
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Pre-Announcement: 2025 Joint Transnational Call for Proposals on Rare Disease Therapies ERDERA - 10/12/2024
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The New WHO global guidance puts forward recommendations for more effective and equitable clinical trials
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Halazonetis Thanos
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Herrera Pedro
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Halazonetis Thanos
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Mise au concours - Le FNS met au concours 4 PNR
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Hoogendoorn Sascha
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Programme des chercheurs mondiaux CIFAR-Azrieli - 20/11/2024
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Hothorn Michael
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Hoogendoorn Sascha
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Programme FLARE 2023-2024
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EURAXESS – Researchers in motion
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Hothorn Michalel
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Huber Daniel
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Huges Stéphanie
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Academic Mini-grants by Charles University - 17/02/2025
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First MARVIS call
The SNSF launches the Multidisciplinary Applied Research Ventures in Space (MARVIS) call. With this scheme, we promote consortia projects that explore space.
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Twelfth EDCTP Forum: Call for abstracts and scientific symposia open - 23/02/2025
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Iacobucci Giuseppe
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Global Health EDCTP3 Info Day 2025 - 11/02/2025
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Information Event on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND call 2025 & Swiss Participation - 11/02/2025
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Jabaudon Denis
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Postdoc.Mobility fellowships support postdocs who wish to conduct a research stay abroad.
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5 Free Webinars on Horizon Europe Proposal Writing by Europa Media Team - 17/02 au 21/02
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SNSF continues SNSF Advanced Grants and SNSF Swiss Postodctoral Fellowships in 2022
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Jabaudon-Gandet Denis
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Partenariat européen Global Health EDCTP3: programme de travail 2025 - 25/02
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Kaplan Olivier
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Kleint Lucia
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Online COST Info Day 2025 - 18/02/2025
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Knowles Antti
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Swissuniversities - Open Research Data (ORD) Appels ouverts
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Kowalska Magdalena
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Lathuilière Aurélien
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Webinaire Euresearch - Expand your Horizon: New Possibilities for Swiss Organisations to Access Horizon Europe
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ESPON call for abstracts - ESPON territorial research conference "New research avenues for territorial development and cohesion in Europe" - 28/02/2025
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4EU+ Explore Funds by UNIGE - 28/02/2025
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Lathuilière Aurélien
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Expand your Horizon: new possibilities for Swiss organisations - 11/02/2025 et 27/02/2025
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Lendl Monika
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Loewith Robbie Joseph
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Loewith Robbie Joseph
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Loewith Robbie Joseph
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Luescher Christian
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Lüscher Christian
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Martinvalet Denis
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Matile Stefan
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Merkler Doron
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Meynet Georges
Publié le
Merkler Doron
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Milingkowitch Michel
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Nagoshi Emi
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Nowak-Sliwinska Patrycja
Publié le
Pello Caterina
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Prieto Ramos Fernando
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Pontusson Harry Jonas
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Pillai Ramesh
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Pittet Laure
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Rodriguez Ivan
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Rizzi Luigi
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Rodriguez Ivan
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Triscone Jean-Marc
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Roper Pol Alberto
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Roux Aurélien
Publié le
Venturini Julia
Publié le
Scheiermann Christoph
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Scherer Klaus
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Schramm Steven
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Schibler Ulrich
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Smirnov Stanislas
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Smirnov Stanislas 2
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Scorrano Luca
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Soldati-Favre Dominique
Publié le
Strasser Bruno
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Trajkovski Mirko
Publié le
Tyjkhonov Andrii
Faculté des Sciences, Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire
Publié le
Trajkovski Mirko
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Triscone Jean-Marc
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Ulm Roman
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Verhamme Anne
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Wolf Jean-Pierre
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Zajacz Zoltan
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Zajacz Zoltan
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Müller Lucas
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Interreg North-West Europe
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Interreg Europe
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Interreg Europe
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Interreg Urbact
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Interreg Espace alpin: projets classiques
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Interreg North-West Europe
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Interreg France-Suisse
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Interreg Urbact
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Interreg France - Switzerland
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Interreg France-Suisse
Publié le
Interreg Europe
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The Interreg France-Switzerland program 2021-2027
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Interreg Urbact
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Interreg North-West Europe small scale projects
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Interreg North-West Europe
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Interreg Espace alpin: projets classiques
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Interreg Alpine Space Small-scale projects
Submission all year
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Interreg North-West Europe small scale projects
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Interregg 2
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Interreg Alpine Space: classic projects
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Interreg Alpine Space Small-scale projects
Submission all year
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Le programme Interreg France-Suisse 2021-2027
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Covid-19 calls
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Mises-au-concours Covid-19
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Ukraine: SNSF funding (update/clarifying information) & SAR (Switzerland) statement
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SNSF Advanced Grants 2022
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SNSF continues SNSF Advanced Grants and SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships in 2022
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SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF) 2022
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FNS Actualités
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SNSF Starting Grants 2023
Grants for researchers who wish to conduct an independent scientific project and lead a research team in Switzerland.
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SNSF Starting Grants 2023
Subsides pour les chercheuses et chercheurs qui souhaitent mener un projet scientifique indépendant et diriger une équipe de recherche en Suisse.
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SNFS Grantees all calls
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SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF) 2022
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SNSF/ERC Advanced Grants 2021
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SNSF Starting Grants 2022
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Lauréat-e-s carrière du FNS tous les appels
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SNFS Grantees PRIMA / Ambizione 2021
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3 new SNFS Consolidator Grants for the UNIGE
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SNSF Conference on Best Practices in Research Funding
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SNSF/ERC Advanced Grants 2021
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Sinergia - 2022
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Starting 2022
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Lauréat-e-s Ambizione 2021
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Lauréat-e-s starting grant 2022
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Lauréat-e-s SNSF Advanced grants 2021
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Success stories
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Prix Marie Heim-Vögtlin
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Lauréat-e-s des appels FNS - liste années 2017-2020
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Young Researcher's day 2018
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Programme cadre FP7
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Programme cadre FP7
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Programme cadre FP7
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Programme cadre FP7
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Sinergia - Spring 2022
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Advanced Grants 2021
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Starting Grants 2022
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Instruments d'encouragement de carrière
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Sandini Corrado
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Berchtold Lena
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Lebedev Dmitry
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Bréchet Lucie
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Roux Aurélien
Publié le
Beiras Marcos Marino
Publié le
Roux Aurélien
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Roux Aurélien
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Duboule Denis
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Eckmann Jean-Pierre
Publié le
Gisin Nicolas
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Gisin Nicolas 2
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Gonzalez-Gaitan Marcos 2
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Gonzalez-Gaitan Marcos
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Halazonetis Thanos
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Schibler Ulrich
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Smirnov Stanislas 2
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Smirnov Stanislas
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Wolf Jean-Pierre
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Wolf Jean-Pierre
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Halazonetis Thanos
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Herrera Pedro
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Iacobucci Giuseppe
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Jabaudon Denis
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Lüscher Christian
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Meynet Georges
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Milingkowitch Michel
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Pontusson Harry Jonas
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Soldati-Favre Dominique
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Programme cadre H2020
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Coppari Roberto
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Huber Daniel
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Loewith Robbie Joseph
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Loewith Robbie Joseph
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Abanin Dmitry
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Programme cadre FP7
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Bellone Camilla
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Programme cadre FP7
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Bonvin Camille
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Programme cadre FP7
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Ehrenreich David