>>> PROGRAM 1 June 2022 I What has been done!!!
Brigitte Galliot | Vice-rector, University of Geneva
Frédérique Berrot | Vice-president, University of Strasbourg
9:10 am Experience from the field
Keynote: Isabelle Kraus | Vice-president, University of Strasburg
9:30 am Questions to the keynote
9:40 am Discussion
Moderation: Karin Gilland Lutz | Equal Opportunity deputy, University of Zurich
Niels Dupont | Director STEPS, University of Geneva (ex-member of CERN)
Isabelle Kraus | Vice-president, University of Strasbourg
Pete Mandeville | Support Service, University of Oxford
Patrick Meraldi | Professor, University of Geneva
Hélène Rey-Hanson | External harassment support, Geneva
Christine Sattiva Spring | Lawyer, Lausanne
Aude Thorel | Director HR, University of Geneva
10:40 am Coffee break
11:00 am How can research help the field?
Keynote: Liisa Husu | Professor, University of Örebro
11:20 am Questions to the keynote
11:30 am Discussion
Moderation: Eileen Drew | Professor, Trinity College/Lund University
Aya Ezawa | Diversity officer, University of Leiden
Klea Faniko | Researcher, University of Geneva
Louise Carvalho | Diversity & Inclusion Program Leader, CERN
Jadranka Gvozdanović | Professor, University of Heidelberg
Lorraine Leeson | Ass. Vice Provost EDI, Trinity College
Liisa Husu | Professor, University of Örebro
12:30 pm Lunch
1:45 pm Discussion
Moderation: Giorgia Magni | PHD, University of Geneva
Marion Albert | Student Federation (AFGES), University of Strasbourg
Camille Bleeker | Student, CLASH, University of Geneva
Lara Chavaz | Student, CLASH, University of Geneva
Angèle Gayet-Ageron | Professor, University of Geneva
Diane Higelin | Student, CELVS, University of Geneva
Severina Kidikova | Student (AFGES), University of Strasbourg
Tiia Niemi | Student, University of Helsinki
2:45 pm Testimonials
Laure Razon | Professor, University of Strasbourg
Tanya Orozco-Hinojosa PhD, University of Strasbourg
3:30 pm Coffee break
3:45 pm The Two-Day Synthesis
Moderation: Isabelle Kraus and Brigitte Mantilleri
Panel: Discussion with the audience
4:30 pm Exem | Illustrator, Geneva
5:00 pm End of the conference