Teaching Commission
Subject to the powers of the faculties, the Commission de l'enseignement (COENS) :
a) is a body for reflection on teaching;
b) is interested in the general problems of the organization and control of studies, in university didactics and in the means of evaluating their effectiveness;
c) takes cognizance of the main research carried out in this field, initiates or organizes it, where appropriate, and endeavors to consolidate the results;
d) studies problems of coordination between the university and other levels of education;
e) makes known the information it has gathered and formulates recommendations it deems useful for improving the teaching provided by the university.
f) supervises and steers teaching quality assurance procedures in conjunction with specialized bodies (Teaching Quality Delegates and the Teaching Quality Steering Committee), in a spirit of continuous improvement.
President: prof. Martine COLLART, vice-Rector
Coordination : M. Gerd ROTHENBERG, advisor to the Rectorate
Faculties et Centers representatives
Prof. Rashid BAHAR, Faculty of Law
Mme Bita BERTOSSA, representative of academic advisors (alternate Mme S. RUBAL)
Prof. Markus MENZ, Geneva School fo Economic and management (ad interim)
Prof. Christophe CHALAMET, deputy-dean, Faculty of theology (alternate Prof. J.-D. MACCHI)
Dr Xavier CHILLIER, academic advisor, Faculty of Science
Prof. Jérôme DAVID, Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Juliet FALL, deputy-dean, Faculty fo Social Sciences
Prof. Edouard GENTAZ, deputy-dean, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Prof. Jonas LÄTT, vice-doyen, Faculty of Science
Prof. Sonia Asmahène HALIMI, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
Prof. Irène HERRMANN, deputy-dean, Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Nicolas LEVRAT, director, Global Studies Institute
Prof. Mathieu NENDAZ, deputy-dean, Faculty of Medecine
Prof. Jean-Luc WOLFENDER, deputy-dean, Faculty of Sciences
Mme Lena GAILLARD, representative of students appointed by CUAE
Permanentes guests
Mme Jasmine CHAMPENOIS, Director, Students Training Division (DIFE)
Mme Mallory SCHAUB, Head of the Teaching and Learning Support Unit, member of the COPIL Qualité Enseignement
Mme Ahidoba DE FRANCHI MANDSCHEFF, Head of the Quality Department at the Centre for Continuing and Distance Education, member of the COPIL Qualité Enseignement
Teaching Quality Delegates (invitation ad hoc)
(to be completed )