Rectorate commissions

Administrative Commission

Chairman :  Dr Didier RABOUD, General Secretary

University members
Professor Nicolas DEMAUREX, Faculty of Medicine
Professor Numa GRAA, Faculty of Law
Professor Markus MENZ, Faculty of Economics and Management
Professor Jérôme LACOUR, Faculty of Science
Professor Mireille BETRANCOURT, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Professor Francesca SERRA, Dean, Faculty of Arts

Permanent guests
Mr Alexandre HENNEQUIN, Grants and Inventories Department


Mission of the Administrative Commission

The Administrative Commission (COMAD) assists the Rector's Office in managing the budget appropriation intended to cover extraordinary expenses that cannot be met by the various faculties. It meets 3 times a year.

COMAD mainly supports, through co-financing with the Faculties:
- The installation of new professors, through an installation credit granted on their appointment to the UniGe.
- Research projects requiring specific equipment, part of which is financed by other sources (faculty and external).
- Conferences / colloquia held at the University of Geneva (meal and accommodation expenses, speakers' travel, room hire, speakers' fees, etc.).
Applicants are normally members of the teaching staff. If this is not the case, the request must be supported by a professor.

Application for funding conferences / symposia - to be submitted 2 months before the date of the event:
1) Letter presenting the project and specifying the amount requested
2) Detailed budget of estimated expenses and income
3) Other sources of funding requested (e.g. SNSF, Academic Society, etc.), with details of amounts requested
4) Letter of support from the Dean
5) Amount granted by Faculty and/or Department
6) Expected number of participants
NB. Comad would like to draw the attention of organizers to the visibility of the University's logo.

File to be submitted for investment credit requests (installation / new equipment / etc.):
1) Project presentation letter indicating the year in which the requested amount will be used.
2) Detailed budget with all sources of funding requested.
3) Letter of support from the Dean.
4) Amount granted by Faculty and/or Department
N.B.: COMAD will only consider a maximum of 30% of the total amount of the project, except in exceptional circumstances, provided that co-financing with the faculties is assured and that external funds are mobilized to enable the project to be fully financed.

COMAD does not, in principle, provide funding for :
- Publications / translation costs (symposium proceedings)
- Regular symposia
- Salaries (e.g. secretary)