stéphane berthet


International and Inter-Institutional Relations
SMAC, SRIP, Campus Biotech, relations with HUG, HES and IHEID; collaboration with IO’s, 4EU+, AUF, swissuniversities, Triangle Azur, GSPI, GTI, Institut Confucius, Centre interprofessionnel de simulation (CIS), Public Affairs, coordination with the UNIGE interfacultary centres (except GSI & ISE).


Stéphane Berthet earned a doctorate in Astrophysics and Astronomy at the University of Geneva in 1991, and for 11 years contributed to shaping Switzerland’s research policies concerning space. Through SERI, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, he was responsible for representing Switzerland at numerous international research institutions such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), and Euratom. He returned to UNIGE in 2003 as Secretary General, a position he held through October 2018. He has been appointed vice-Rector in November 2018.

Contact: vr-international(at)

Natacha Jacquemoud
Uni Dufour – Office 236
24, rue du Général-Dufour
CH-1211 Geneva 4

+41 22 379 79 46

Members of the Rectorate are available by appointment only