Group members

Nik Zielonka


PhD student
Renewable Energy Systems group, University of Geneva

University of Geneva C611, Blvd. Carl Vogt 66
CH-1211 Geneva 4

Tel.:  +41 (0) 22 379 08 26




Nik joined the Renewable Energy Systems group at the University of Geneva as a PhD student in February 2022. His research focuses on spatial statistical modelling of disruptive growth in renewable energy technologies in Switzerland as part of the SWEET SURE project. His work identifies technical, economic, and socio-political drivers for regional renewable energy deployment across Switzerland and investigates the implications of weather-related shocks on the resilience of a Swiss energy system with very high shares of renewables.

Prior to joining the group, Nik obtained a MSc in mechanical engineering from ETH Zurich with focus on energy, sustainability and climate change. During his studies, he spent one semester at the Technical University of Denmark to specialize in data science and energy systems. In line with his studies, Nik was awarded the Climate-KIC Master Label Certificate of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

Further, Nik has a passion for science communication that he already pursued in work for institutions, and public media.