Group members

Valeria Sorgato


PhD student
Renewable Energy Systems group, University of Geneva

University of Geneva C604, Blvd. Carl Vogt 66
CH-1211 Geneva 4

Tel.: +41 (0) 22 379 04 09




Valeria joined the Renewable Energy System group at the university of Geneva as Research Assistant in February 2023. Her research focuses on improving visual communication of energy and climate projections, for effective decision and policy making. Prior to joining the group, Valeria obtained a MSC in Sustainable Resource Management from the Technical University of Munich. Some of her previous work includes the research of factors affecting the public perception of carp invasion and management in Groenvlei lake, South Africa. Her professional career has focused on environmental communication, journalism and education. She has worked for different media outlets and NGOs in Ecuador and internationally. Valeria is co-founder of the German NGO gaia-liNc, which focuses on sustainable development project is Latin-American.