Research data management costs
Research data management (RDM) is an integral part of the duties of a person conducting a research project. As such, it entails financial, human and time costs that must be estimated as early as possible in order to plan and optimize them. If necessary, this estimate can be used to apply for additional funds from funders to cover specific activities.
The University of Utrecht proposes a model that estimates the costs associated with each stage of the research data life cycle:
- Data collection or retrieval of data produced by others
- Documentation
- Storage
- Access and security
- Preservation
- Provision and reuse
For each of these steps, the University of Utrecht offers a 3-column table: questions to consider, estimated costs and tips.
Cost planning tools
The following tools can help identify the costs associated with managing project data:
A basic RDM tool that is involved in cost planning is the Data Management Plan, which leads to thinking about all the elements of the different stages of the research data life cycle mentioned above.
EPFL has developed an open-source web application in the form of a single dynamic page. It allows to fill in the different fields according to the needs and to calculate the cost of a whole research project. The tool includes several options for each service provider to reflect the most accurate cost and provides automatic currency conversion based on the current exchange rate.
For an overview of the tool's features, see the poster created by Antoine Masson from the EPFL library.
The UK Data Service also provides a tool for RDM costing in the form of a checklist.
UNIGE Infrastructures costs
It is possible to plan the costs incurred if researchers plan to use infrastructures offered by the UNIGE.
Costs covered by the Swiss National Science Foundation
The Swiss National Science Foundation recognizes the considerable investment of time and money required to ensure the proper management of research data. Thus, it can grant a sum of up to 10'000 CHF to researchers at the time of submission of their project for :
- Preparation and validation of data
The funds can be used as a salary to hire a person who will prepare the research data for uploading to a data repository.
- Uploading data to a non-commercial FAIR repository
The funds released can be used to cover the bills for using a repository. In the example of Yareta, you will have to choose option 2 "pay once forever" for the invoice to be eligible for reimbursement.
In certain justified cases, the CHF 10'000 can be exceeded.