
Love Data Week-banner.png

From 10 to 14 February 2025, the UNIGE Research Data team will be celebrating the love of research data.

The Love Data Week is an annual international campaign to promote discussion and awareness of the importance of research data and its proper management, sharing, preservation and reuse. This year's theme is “Whose Data Is It, Anyway?”.

longside other Swiss universities and higher education institutions (see the national program), UNIGE has put together a rich program covering the various aspects of research data management. The events, some of which are online and others face-to-face, are open to all interested parties.

All sessions are free of charge, but some require prior registration.

UNIGE's Program


Introduction aux données de recherche : Bien gérer vos données
Talal Zouhri
10h15 -11h00, en ligne, registration required

Présentation de l'ouvrage "L’art contemporain – une Infographie"
Prof. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, vice-doyenne de la Faculté des lettres
11h00-11h30, Bastions-Philosophes, room Phil 211, free entry

Extraction des données cliniques aux HUG pour leur réutilisation en recherche
David Droz & Laura Juan Galmes
15h-15h30, en ligne, registration required


Permanence spéciale de la plateforme de bioinformatique
Julien Prados
09h00 -11h00, CMU, room B04.1413

SNSF (and CUREG) Data Management Plan (DMP): How to fill it and what information to include?
Jean-Blaise Claivaz & Claire Wuillemin
14h15-15h45, en ligne, registration required


Managing your research data in accordance with the FAIR principles
Dimitri Donzé
09h-09h15, en ligne, registration required

Si les données sont le pétrole du XXIème siècle, doivent-elles être aussi écologiquement irresponsables ?
Nicolas Szilas
10h-10h45, Uni Mail, room M2193, free entry


Depositing your research data in Yareta : Getting started with the institutional tool
Dimitri Donzé & Floriane Muller
10h15-11h45, en ligne, registration required

Données de recherche en santé - Love Data @CMU
Auditoire Renold, (ex B01.2426.a) 1er étage bâtiment B du CMU, free entry

Vers des données ouvertes pour la recherche dans le domaine de la santé
Prof. Antoine Geissbühler, Doyen de la Faculté de médecine

Exemple de gestion des données d’un registre international : le Registre International des Shunts Porto-Systémiques Congénitaux (IRCPSS)
Simona Korff, assistante de recherche

Collecte, codage, contrôle, utilisation : le parcours des données dans un registre des tumeurs
Evelyne Fournier, Data Manager & épidémiologiste


Data Papers, Data statements: how to visibilize the work you've invested in your data, in 15 minutes
Floriane Muller
09h00-09h15, en ligne, registration required

Research data licensing, in 15 minutes
Anouk Santos
14h00-14h15. en ligne, registration required

Take Over Week (For students)

Other training courses reserved for students also take place the same week, as part of “Take Over, the week of digital training courses by and for students”.

A wide range of topics will be covered: digital practices/techniques (fact-checking, privacy protection), office tools (Excel), website creation (WordPress), research data processing (R, Machine Learning, Python), etc.

Program details and registration :


January 23, 2025