Source code management with Git

Have you ever been afraid to loose your code? Or afraid that nothing will ever work again after a slight modification? You don't know how to share your work?

Git is one of the most popular version control system. Developers and software engineers use it to save code modifications and allows them to change their code without fear. Moreover Git makes it very easy to collaborate and share work with others.

This workshop will teach you how Git works and how to use it with your own projects. You'll learn to use Git main features, to save versions of your code, to restore a previous version and how to use it as a collaborative tool. We'll also introduce basic features of the University's GitLab.


You should be familiar with the command line, like any Linux terminal, Terminal in macOS, or the Windows command line. Participants should be able to use the terminal for basic file manipulation (e.g. rm, mv, cp), file system navigation and understand the directories structure. No prior knowledge in programming is required.

If you're not familiar with the command line, you should consider attending our command line workshop.

Material needed

Participants should come with their personal computer and should be connected to the University of Geneva's WiFi. Rooms may be equipped with Desktop computers with virtual desktop infrastructure but this depends on rooms availability at the time of the workshop.

We recommend that you already install Git on your machine:

  • Windows users can install Git for Windows.
  • Linux users should refer to their distribution's package manager (e.g. apt install git for Ubuntu based distribution).
  • Mac OS users can use one of the following installation instructions.
  • Or follow one of theses instructions dedicated to your operating system.

We will use the University's GitLab during the workshop. Hence we also recommend that:

The GitLab documentation provides step by step instructions to generate keys. Note that Windows 10 users may need to setup OpenSSH first. In that case follow these instructions to install it. Once your SSH key is generated you can add it to your account by following these instructions.

Those are recommended steps to avoid loosing too much time during the exercises. If you don't know how to do it by yourself, you will get help during the practical part of the workshop.


Registration to workshop is mandatory. Date, location and availability depend on the session. The registration forms can be found on the scicos events Indico website. Please note that the number of participants is limited to ensure proper students supervision.