Teaching & workshops

In the context of the Digital Skills initiative financed by Swissuniversities and the University of Geneva, the SciCoS team is offering a series of workshops on best practice in scientific computing to improve your skills.

These workshops are open to PhD students, postdocs and all researchers who want to improve their knowledge with modern development tools, or want to use the University’s high performance computers.

Command line fundamentals

Get your first contact with a terminal emulator to learn the basic skills that will allow you to use your computer in a more efficient manner. Also this workshop act as a prerequisite for the other workshops if you never used the Linux or Mac OS command line.

More information is available here.

Source code management with Git

Learn to easily save and restore different versions of your source code, keep track of each modification and collaborate on a common code project .

More information is available here.

Automated code testing

Learn to write code to ensure correctness and make sure that your software stays consistent and compatible.

More information is available here.

Using the institutional cluster

Learn what are the Baobab/Yggdrasil clusters, how to use them, and how to execute computation tasks on these powerful machines through SLURM job manager.

More information is available here.