
InCite data policy

We follow an open-data policy, sharing our data with the scientific community. Most of our data are archived at SWISSUbase. SWISSUbase allows users to access data under certain conditions specified by a user contract.

Researchers using our data are subjected to certain obligations such as citing the data and communicating publications stemming from them, as described below.


Data citation policy

Researchers using our data are required to cite them properly.

If the data is deposited at FORSbase: The necessary citation information is written at the beginning of the user contract that give access to the data in FORSbase. User contracts are available on the FORSbase website under “My downloads”. You can also find the citation as well as the dataset description published in the FORSbase catalogue.

If the data are deposited elsewhere: Follow the policies of the archiving platform or send an e-mail to Marco.Giugni(at)


Duty of communication to us any publications stemming from our data archive

Researchers using our data are expected to communicate any publications stemming from them.

If the data are deposited at FORSbase: Users are kindly required to communicate the references to each of their publications by a brief e-mail to dataservice(at)

If the data are deposited elsewhere: Follow the policies of the archiving platform or send an e-mail to Marco.Giugni(at)


Data and documentation