Notre Master en Sociologie

Minding Animals Pre-Conference

Six conférences

18 Décembre 2008, 12:15-18:00

Salles/Rooms: M R040 & M 1170
Uni-Mail, Bd. du Pont-d'Arve 40, 1211 Genève

Entrée libre / free entrance




Session 1 | 12:15-14:00 | MR040

Short presentation of the Minding Animals conference.
Rod BENNISON (University of Newcastle, Australia)

En somme toute chair..
André MICOUD (Sociologist, University of Saint-Etienne, France)

BeeHAVERS or BeeKEEPERS? Being-with, being concerned, and letting be in a time of Colony Collapse Disorder.
Nick BINGHAM (Geographer, Open University, UK)

Session 2 | 14:15-15:45 | M1170

Renouvellements des représentations des rapports hommes/animaux dans le roman français contemporain.
Anne SIMON (Literary Specialist, CNRS, France)

The Politics of Affect: Women and Dogs in Victorian Literature
Jennifer McDonell (Literary Specialist, University of New England, Australia)


Pause café / Coffee break

Session 3 | 16:15-17:45 | M1170

The representations of animals in the Swiss information media, 1978-2007. From "the nice pet" to the "threatening other".
Annik DUBIED, Claudine BURTON-JEANGROS & Team (Sociologists, University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Swarming aliens: when nature is out-of-bounds, out-of-place, and out-of-control.
Juliet FALL (Geographer, University of Geneva, Switzerland / Open University, UK)



 Voir aussi le site de la conférence Minding Animals 2009 en Australie.
See also the website of the Minding Animals conference, Australia 2009.