Gaëlle Aeby


Gaëlle Aeby is associate professor at the School of Social Work HES-SO Valais-Wallis. She is an associate member of the Institute of Sociological Research (Geneva School of Social Sciences) and of the Centre d'étude, de technique et d'évaluation législatives (Faculty of Law) at the University of Geneva.

She did her PhD in Social Sciences (2015) at the Life Course and Inequality Research Centre at the University of Lausanne, with a mobility stay at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon. She obtained her sociology degree at the University of Geneva at the Department of Sociology (Licence's degree in 2006 and Master's degree in 2008) with a mobility semester at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007.

She then obtained an Early Postdoc.Mobility grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for a mobility stay at the University of Manchester at the Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives (2016-2017).


Current research projects

- project "Integrity, autonomy and participation: How do children and parents experience the proceedings of Child and Adult Protection Authorities?", NRP 76 "Welfare and Coercion", UNIGE and FHNW

- project "The negotiation of divorce agreements and gender (in)equality in Switzerland ", UNIGE

- projet "Enfants placés en famille d’accueil – prochaine génération. Un bon accompagnement des relations nourricières", HES-SO/Haute école de travail social de Genève

- project "Après un placement, les aléas de la transition à la vie adulte. Enquête auprès de personnes ayant été placées en foyer et en famille d’accueil dans le canton de Genève", HES-SO/Haute école de travail social de Genève