Mattia Vacchiano

Dr Mattia Vacchiano

Lecturer / Maître-assistant

+41 (0) 22 379 89 03
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After my studies at the University of Bologna (MA), I obtained my PhD in Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (‘Extraordinary Thesis’ award 2019). I currently work as a lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Geneva. I have also been a Senior SNF Researcher at the University of Lausanne (2018-2021) and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Buenos Aires (2016). I am a member of the Swiss Center of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES

I am currently leading the project The Empty Office, an international study on the effects of teleworking on social relations and well-being, funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies. In recent years, I have been working on the integration of Social Network Analysis and life course research through peer review articles and co-editing the special issue Networked Lives for Advances in Life Course Research. For my research on young people, in 2023 I was nominated for the SAGE Prize for Innovation and Excellence of the British Sociological Association.

My work has been published in Computers in Human Behaviour, Advances in Life Course Research, Social Indicators Research, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, Sociological Research Online, PLoS ONE, Community, Work & Family and other peer-reviewed international journals.


Special Issues

  • Vacchiano, M., Hollstein, B., Settersten, R., & Spini, D. (2024). Networked Lives: Probing the Influence of Social Networks on the Life course. Advances in Life Course Research,


  • Vacchiano, M.(forthcoming 2025). Social Capital: A Practical Guide. Under contract for Palgrave Macmillan

Journal Articles 

  • Vacchiano, M, Fernandez, G, & Schmutz, R. (2024) What’s Going on With Teleworking? A Scoping review on Its Effects on Wellbeing. Fortchcoming in PLoS ONE

  • Vacchiano, M., De Bel, V. & E. Widmer (2024). Being Your Own Boss: Network Determinants of Young People's Orientations towards Self-Employment. R&R in Social Indicator Research

  • Vacchiano, M. & Valente, R. (2023). Going out before the COVID-19 pandemic protected psychological health during the first lockdown: a model based on social capital theory, Leisure Studies,
  • Vacchiano, M., Politi, E., & Lüders, A. (2023). The COVID-19 pandemic as an existential threat: evidence on young people’s psychological vulnerability using a Multifaceted Threat Scale. PLoS ONE
  • Vacchiano, M., & Bolano, D (2020). Online and Offline Leisure, Relatedness and Psychological Distress: A Study of Young People in Switzerland. Leisure Studies

  • Valente, R., & Vacchiano, M. (2020). Determinants of Fear of Crime in Argentina and Brazil: A Cross-national Comparison of Non-Criminal Factors Affecting People’s Unsafety. Social Indicators Research

  • Vacchiano, M.,  Yepes-Cayuela, L., & Martí, J. (2019): The Family as (One- or Two-Step) Social Capital: Mechanisms of Support During Labor Market Transitions, Community, Work & Family, DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2019.1687425

  • Muntanyola-Saura, D., Barranco, O., & Vacchiano, M. (2019). Inequality Beyond Networking: Personal Networks and Mobilization of Contacts by Young Job Seekers in Barcelona. Revista Española de Sociología, 28 (2), 207-226

  • Vacchiano, M., Martí, J., Yepes, L., & Verd, J.M. (2018). Personal Networks in Job Insertion Among Young adults in Times of Crisis: An Analysis in Barcelona. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 161, 121-140.

  • Vacchiano, M., & Mejia Reyes, C. (2017). Reflexiones sobre los juegos de azar en la sociedad contemporanea: hacia una biografía del riesgo. AtheneaDigital, 17(2), 79-94

  • Verd, J.M., Yepes, L., & Vacchiano, M. (2016). Trayectorias laborales y capital social en la población joven : Elementos para analizar la precariedad laboral juvenil más allá de los grandes focos. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 3, 144-158.

PHD thesis

Book Chapters

  • Martì, J, Vacchiano, M. & Molina, O. (2022). Concepts and Methodologies in SNA: Implications for Employment Relations Research In Brandl, B., Larsson, B., Lehr, A., & Molina, O. (Eds.). Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Spini, D & Vacchiano, M. (2023). Vulnerability in Context. In Spini, D. & Widmer, E. (Eds.). Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stessors, Resources and Reserves. Palgrave Macmillan,

Working papers

  • Vacchiano, M., & Merino, J. (2018). Introducción a la Lógica Multinivel: un Análisis Longitudinal con SPSS y R. Incasi Working Paper series, N.2

  • Vacchiano, M., & Spini, D. (2020). Networked Lives. LIVES Working Paper, doi:10.12682/LIVES.2296-1658.2020.84

Under review (or in progress)

  • Valente & Vacchiano, M. Residential Instability and Social Capital: A Model from Childhood to Adult Life  

  • Spini, D, Li , Y. , Valente, R. & Vacchiano, M. Space and transitions over the Life Course.

  • Vacchiano, M, Fernandez, G,  Fernandez Garcia, J. & Massoudi, K. (2024). Telework, Social Support and Wellbeing: a Systematic Review.

Thesis supervisions (Bachelor and Master)

  • Bernasconi, R (2022). The Influence of Buyer-Supplier Relationships on Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence from the Italian Agri-Food Context’. Master thesis. University of Geneva 

  • Lacalamita, M. (2022). Le capital social et les réseaux sociaux : Une étude sur le rôle des contacts personnels dans l'intégration professionnelledes des jeunes. Bachelor thesis. University of Geneva.

  • Bulti, A (2023). Rap et collaborations : une analyse relationnelle du monde du rap à Genève. Bachelor thesis. Univ. Geneva
  • Torrelas, E (2024). Le sens du football (en un societé liquide)Bachelor thesis. Univ. Geneva
