Who We Are

Research Group at the University of Geneva


Welcome to the webpage of our research group: "Galaxy Build-up at Cosmic Dawn" at the University of Geneva. Our research is focused on understanding the build-up and assembly of the first generations of galaxies from a panchromatic observational study. In particular we use very deep imaging and spectroscopy from the JWST, Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes, in addition to ground-based follow-up with Keck, VLT, ALMA, and NOEMA. This allows us to study large samples of the galaxies and trace their mass build-up out to z~13 now, when the Universe was only approximately 300 Myr old.

A main focus of our work now will be to exploit the new JW Space Telescope, which already completely revolutionizing our view of early galaxies and for the first time provides a complete census of the galaxy population in the very early universe.

You can find a list of our team members here.

Our team acknowledges support by the Swiss National Science Foundation as well as the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.

First JWST Results are in!

Hubble's Redshift Record Already Broken in 1 Week

For more information see our news page.



Illustration of the different wavelengths and quantities probed by different telescopes we are using and plan to use in the future for a complete census and a comprehensive understanding of the first generations of galaxies.