Education, Courses



The Geneva Observatory is a center of education and training in astrophysics for the Suisse Romande.

The courses covers the areas of instrumentation, techniques of light analysis, theoretical astrophysics of planets, stars and galaxies, as well as high-energy astrophysics and cosmology.

Informations for students

Excellence Master Fellowships

The Faculty of Sciences offers Excellence Master Fellowships that is open to students from any university with very good performance in their bachelor's studies and belonging to the best 10% of their bachelor's program.

=> More

Doctorate (Ph.D.)

For PhD students courses of the doctoral school and training for research are carried out at the Observatory.

=> Course Catalogue

Master internship projects

=> List of available master internship projects


Master in Astrophysics

The courses of the Master in Astrophysics start each year in september.


For physics and astrophysics students Bachelor courses are given at the University of Geneva, while practical (lab) work is done at the Observatory.

=> Course Catalogue

Coursera Free Online Course

The Diversity of Exoplanets:
The course will provide an overview of the knowledge acquired during the past 20 years in the domain of exoplanets. It will review the different detection methods, their limitations, and the information provided on the orbital system and the planet itself, and how this information is helping our understanding of planet formation.

Full details on the training programmes and courses are available on the French version of this webpage.

For further information contact

UniGE Course Catalogue

Observatoire de Genève, Chemin Pegasi 51, Sauverny, CH-1290 Versoix, Suisse
Phone : +41 22 379 22 00, Email :, Map: Contact page