Atmosphere and Interior Interactions - Home
Welcome to the web page of the PlanetS workshop on Atmosphere and Interior Interactions.

VIDEOs to watch before the workshop
We have organized the workshop into three sessions, corresponding to three themes. You will find below the themes and the links to the corresponding videos. Watch the videos and ask your questions as they come below each video!
Find all the talks on the interior structure of planets HERE.
Jon F. Otegi: Impact of the measured parameters of exoplanets on the inferred internal structure
Alexander Grayver: Electromagnetic induction heating in rocky planets
Rob Spaargaren: Compositional diversity of terrestrial exoplanets, influence on geodynamics
Haiyang Wang: From accurate stellar composition to exoplanet interiors and beyond
Oliver Shah: Internal water storage capacity of terrestrial planets and the effect of hydration on the MR-relation
Jonas Haldemann: AQUA: A Collection of H2O Equation of State for Planetary Models
Interior dynamics:
Find all the talks on the interior dynamics HERE.
Dan Bower: Retention of H2O in a magma ocean
Paolo Sossi: Experimental constraints on melt--gas equilibria
Kaustubh Hakim: A Lithology-based Silicate Weathering Model for Earth-like Planets
Tobias Meier: Hemispheric tectonics on LHS 3844b
Find all the talks on the atmosphere of planets HERE.
Guillaume Chaverot: Investigating the runaway greenhouse effect with 1D/3D climate modeling
Martin Turbet: Why and when high molecular mean atmospheres have an impact on mass-radius relationships
Deniz Soyuer: The interplay between composition, zonal flows and magnetic fields in Uranus and Neptune
Noah Jäggi: Mercury's Earliest Atmosphere
Marit Mol Lous: A water ocean beneath a solar composition atmosphere?
Eleonora Alei: Bayesian retrieval for terrestrial atmospheres and interiors
Emeline Bolmont: Atmosphere-interior interactions impact on orbital/rotational tidal dynamics
Morning session
-> Zoom link <-
10:00-10:10: Introduction (+intro to Spatial Chat) - Martin Turbet
10:10-10:45: Theme 1 - Interior - Chair: Caroline Dorn + PhD co-chair (Jon Otegi)
- 6 x flash talks
- Questions & Answers
10:45-10:55: BREAK (coffee room open on spatial chat)
10:55-11h25: Theme 2 - Interior dynamics - Chair: Dan Bower + PhD co-chair (Tobias Meier)
- 4 x flash talks
- Questions & Answers
11:25-11:35: BREAK (coffee room open on spatial chat)
11:35-12:30: Theme 3 - Atmosphere - Chair: Emeline Bolmont + PhD co-chair (Guillaume Chaverot)
- 7 x flash talks
- Questions & Answers
Afternoon SESSION
-> Spatial Chat <-
14:00-14:05: Introduction - Martin Turbet
14:05-14:40: First session of (joint) discussions: Numerical tools developed in PlanetS - Chair: Dan Bower
14:40-14:50: BREAK
14:50-15:30: Second session of (breakout) discussions: Atmosphere-interior interactions through time
15:30-15:40: BREAK
15:40-16:20: Third session of (breakout) discussions: Atmosphere-interior interactions and links to observations
16:20-16:30: Concluding remarks
Code of conduct
Violations will be followed up according to NCCR protocols.