The first galaxies of the Universe deliver their secrets
UniGE Press release(16 march 2017)
An international team involving two researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) broke through the first secrets of the "Dark Ages" of the Universe, shortly after the Big Bang.
By pushing the largest telescopes to their limits, an international team of astronomers, involving two researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Daniel Schaerer and Stephane de Barros, discovered a population of small young galaxies at a distance more than 11 billion light-years. Although rare, these reveal in unprecedented detail the extreme physical conditions that existed when the first galaxies formed just after the Big Bang, shedding new light on this still unknown process. A research to read in the journal Nature Astronomy.
Hubble image (left and top) and VIMOS-VLT spectrum (bottom right) of a distant, young galaxy, analogue of primeval galaxies. |
- full release communiqué UniGE
- Publication (open access), article in Nature Astronomy (publié 2 mars 2017)
- Category “News and Views” dans Nature Astronomy on publication
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- Echos dans les médias:
- Emission CQFD, Radio Suisse Romande, 17 mars 2017
Contact: Daniel Schaerer
Mar 16, 2017