
Dr. Omkar Bait

Dr. Omkar Bait


+41 22 379 92351

Omkar is a AstroSignals postdoc working with Daniel Schaerer from the Observatory of Geneva and Slava Voloshynovskiy from the IT department of the University of Geneva. He works on multi-frequency radio continuum observations of nearby Lyman continuum leaking galaxies to better understand their interstellar medium and the various feedback mechanisms at play. In collaboration with IT colleagues, he works on developing novel data-efficient AI/ML-based radio data analysis techniques with the main goal of handling large amounts of data produced by upcoming radio facilities like the Square Kilometre Array. Prior to this, he completed his PhD from the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune, India in 2020 on the multiwavelength SED modelling and neutral hydrogen imaging of nearby galaxies.
Research Interests:
Radio continuum study of Lyman continuum leakers
AI/ML techniques in radio astronomy
Neutral hydrogen imaging of galaxies
