Dr. Mykhailo Dalchenko
+41 22 379 61 37
Mykhailo completed his Ph.D. at Ecole Polytechnique, France, focusing on the Higgs boson discovery and on the measurements of the Higgs boson mass and width in the four-lepton final state within the CMS experiment at the LHC. Following his Ph.D., he worked as a postdoc at Texas A&M University, USA, focusing on the development of the data acquisition system for the Gas Electron Multiplier muon detectors for the CMS upgrade.
Joining the DPNC Multi-Messenger High-Energy Astrophysics group in 2020, he now leads calibration and data quality monitoring software development within the CTAO Data Processing and Preservation System and contributes to the LST-1 data analysis.

Dr. Leonid Burmistrov
+41 22 379 63 57
Leonid made his Ph.D. at the laboratoire de L’accélérateur linéaire in Orsay within SuperB project. His main contribution was the development of the Forward time of flight Cherenkov detector for particle identification. He continues his scientific career in UA9 collaboration at CERN as ingénieur de recherche staff at CNRS, where he developed an in-vacuum Cherenkov detector for proton flux measurements installed in SPS accelerator. Later he joined BELLE2 experiment within ARICH team working on detector simulation, performance estimation, and upgrade.
At the end of 2021, he has joined our UNIGE team. His current work is dedicated to TERZINA project where his main contribution is the simulation of the Telescope. He works on the Advanced Camera of LST telescopes of CTAO.

Dr. Georgios Voutsinas
+41 22 379 61 57
Georgios studied applied maths in National Technical University of Athens. He made his Ph.D. in picsel group of IPHC Strasbourg, where he worked on applications of monolithic active pixel sensors in physics experiments. He participated in the preparation of future HEP experiments, ILC and FCC, involved mostly in the design and optimisation of the machine detector interface and in pattern recognition algorithms. Currently he is working for the preparation of another future experiment, this time in Astrophysics, the CTAO. His main focus is on the calibration pipeline.

Dr. Matteo Balbo
022 379 62 58
Matteo completed his Master studies at the University of Padua in 2009, after a fellowship at the University of Stanford at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), studying the gamma-ray emission of the Crab pulsar and nebula with the Fermi-LAT satellite. He then moved to Geneva for his Ph.D., at the Astronomy Department, continuing the gamma-ray studies on Galactic sources, publishing the first ever article about the asthonishing Crab's flare in the sub-GeV, signature of the most energetic (PeV) electrons in our Galaxy. He also worked on colliding wind binaries, and in particular on EtaCarinae. He continued his work as a PostDoc in the group of Prof. R. Walter until 2023, working with various collaborations (CTAO, FACT, SST-1M, eAstrogam, ASTRI), performing data analyses from various ground-based and onboard-satellite experiments, remote operational night-shifts for Cherenkov Telescopes, and working recently on the Human Machine Interface for controlling and operating such telescopes.
In november 2023 he moved to the Physics Department joining the UNIGE-CTA group of Prof. T. Montaruli, where he is collaborating with the DPPS, contributing to CalibPipe and in particular taking some responsabilities and developing the data quality pipeline (QualPipe). He also joined the LST1 collaboration, contributing in the data analysis, and helping on the SST-1M eGUI development.

Dr. Caterina Trimarelli
+41 22 379 63 57
Caterina started to work on ultra-high-energy cosmic rays during her master's degree in 2019. Her master thesis concerned the possibility of constraining the Lorentz Invariance Violation effects by using the most relevant air shower observables measured at the ground by the Pierre Auger Observatory. She did her Ph.D. at the University of L'Aquila and INFN-LNGS within the Pierre Auger Collaboration. During the Ph.D. she joined mostly the collaboration tasks devoted to the mass composition and shower development studies and she participated to several detector shifts of the experiment. Because of her Lorentz Invariance Violation studies, she is actually a member of the COST Action CA18108.
In February 2023, she joined the CTAO-UNIGE group as a postdoc to work on the TERZINA project on board the NUSES satellite.

Dr. Vadym Voitsekhovskyi
+41 22 379 61 57
Vadym finished his Ph.D. at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2023. While doing his research he spent 1 year as an invited Ph.D. student at the University of Tuebingen. During his Ph.D. thesis, Vadym was searching for ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray sources, modelling gamma-ray emission, and probing the physics of magnetars and galaxy clusters. His main experience lies in programming in Python / C++, data analysis in the field of high-energy gamma-ray astrophysics, computer simulations, theoretical estimations, and calculations on cosmic ray propagation.
Immediately after obtaining a Doctoral degree Vadym joined the CTA group of Geneva University for his 1st PostDoc position in May 2023. He is working on the development of a Calibration Pipeline for Data Processing and Preservation System in the CTAO project. Vadym is also researching telescope calibration methods, and performing data analysis and simulations for LST.

Dr. Tjark Miener
+41 22 379 61 57
Tjark made his Ph.D. at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and IPARCOS (Institute of Particle and Cosmos Physics) in 2023. During his Ph.D. thesis, he studied the “dark side” of our universe, where his main project was the combined Dark Matter search in dwarf spheroidal galaxy observations with the major gamma-ray observatories Fermi-LAT, HAWC, H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS. He was also contributing to the CTAO analysis development, by applying Deep Learning algorithms to IACT data.
Since joining the CTAO-UNIGE group as a PostDoc in July 2023, he is working on the development of the Calibration Pipeline for the Data Processing and Preservation System in the CTAO project. Besides, Tjark is working on the performance studies of the Advanced Cameras for Large Size gamma-ray Telescopes using Convolutional Neural Networks. Tjark is also involved in another project regarding the development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based trigger system for the next-generation of IACT cameras.

Dr. Christoph Toennis
+41 22 379 63 57
Christoph made his Ph.D. at the University of Valencia working on searches for dark matter with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. Following this he started as a PostDoc and later Senior researcher at Sungkyunkwan university working on camera-based calibration systems for the IceCube detector and on dark matter research using IceCube data. He also was a visiting scholar at the University of Utah working on calibration systems for the IceCube detector and the use of alternative energy sources at the south pole. Currently he is contributing to the CTAO data processing and preservation system and the TERZINA detector on board of the NUSES satellite.