sense project


The SENSE project, funded by the European Commission as a Coordination and Support Action in the domain of Future Emerging Technologies (FET-Open), has the aim of coordinating the research and development efforts in academia and industry for the development of the low light level sensor.

More information about the project can be found here. Anyone who can contribute to the discussion and can register to the Forum.

The project, also announced by ApPEC, was opened with the launch event available in:  here

Genera project

The astroparticle group at UNIGE is a partner in GENERA, a project aiming at continuing, monitoring and improving the Gender Equality Plans of Research Institutions and Organizations specifically in the physics research field.

As part of the activites for this project, UNIGE was hosting Gender in Physics day January 26, 2017.

The presentation of the Gender in Physics Day of GENERA in Geneva can be found here, and more details of which can be found here.

The Implementation Manager for UniGE is Tessa Carver.


Welcome to the High-Energy Multi-Messenger group of Prof. T. Montaruli and MER M. Heller