
Michel Milinkovitch and Robbie Loewith receive an ERC Advanced Grant

After receiving an ERC Starting Grant in 2008 and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2014, Robbie Loewith has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his research project entitled “Tension of ENDOmembranes maintained by TORC1 (TENDO)”. The aim is to understand how TORC1 regulates, and is regulated by, vacuolar membrane tension.

The grant is endowed with 2.25 million Euros over 5 years.


An ERC Advanced Grant has been awarded to Michel Milinkovitch for his research project entitled « Identifying how Evolution exploits physical properties of tissues to generate the complexity and diversity of Life (EVOMORPHYS)”. The aim is to identify the drivers of Life’s morphological complexity and diversity.

The grant is endowed with 2.5 million Euros over 5 years.

Summary of the research projects


Details (pdf)

28 mars 2019

News 2019