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Cross section in a leaf of Ficus macrophylla

Ficus macrophylla is known as Australian banyan or Moreton Bay Fig, in Moraceae family. It originates from east of Australia. It is a large broadleaf and evergreen tree growing to 60 meters, with aerial roots growing from large branches near the ground. They have a role of support of the tree.

On the left, photograph of a Ficus macrophylla, in Valencia (Spain) in city parks, where there are many specimens recognized as “monumental trees”.

La Glorieta_Ficus macrophylla

The cross sections below come from Georges Roux collection.The first one has been made in the main vein. Part of the mesophyll on both sides of the vascular bundle appear colorless or weakly stained.

Site feuille ficus m 1.jpg

Below part of the section in the lamina outside the midrib. The blue arrow indicates a cystolith in a large, specialized cell of the epidermis. Higher magnification view of this cell is shown on the second micrograph below. 

Site feuille ficus m 2

Below, detail of the large, specialized cell of epidermis called “lithocyst”. It contains the cystolith, a calcium carbonate concretion arising from the cellulosic cell wall. The cuticle (cu) of epidermis (ep) is relatively thick and appears colorless or white. Below epidermis a layer of palisade parenchyma (pp)

Site feuille ficus m 3.jpg

    Michèle Crèvecoeur
Microscopie des plantes


Mise à Jour : 31 mars 2022