
Let there be green!

Responsible for the green color of plants, the essential mechanisms for the emergence of photosynthesis have just been explored at the level of plant cells. Combining biochemistry, electron microscopy,and 3D computer reconstruction, the astounding phenomenon can now be visualized in moving images over time.

This collaborative study between Emilie Demarsy, the Universities of Neuchâtel (UniNE), Grenoble (F) and ETH Zurich, was published in the journal eLife on 25 February 2021.


This study is also covered by other media :

Pourquoi les plantes sont vertes RTS La 1ère / Journal 10h / CQFD*, 24.02.2021

Le verdissement des plantes n’a plus de secrets Canal Alpha, 25.02.2021

2 Mar 2021

News 2021