
Evaluation of the master's thesis

Thesis writing

The Master's thesis (approx. 50 pages, on average) should be written in English or in French and structured as follows:

  1.  Title page with title, see template page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Abbreviations page, if necessary
  4. Abstract
  5. General introduction of the topic
  6. Material and methods
  7. Results
  8. Discussion / conclusion
  9. Bibliography that contains full references cited in the text. In the absence of instructions from the director, choose the Vancouver format and/or consult the librarians.
  10. Annexes (if applicable)

Figures (numbered, with captions), tables (numbered, with titles) and references should be cited in the text.

If applicable, the number of the animal experimentation authorization must be mentioned in the chapter "materials and methods".

Note the exact sources for figures borrowed from other texts.

Ensure that the quotes are consistent with the literature and, especially, that the bibliography is treated in a strictly uniform way. In case of doubt, for example about the abbreviations, it is best to consult the librarian. The full title of the articles must be included in the bibliography.

Where appropriate, the authorization number of animal experiments must be in the “Materials and Methods” section.

Once accepted, the work will not be returned for editorial corrections. The style, clarity and presentation of text (including references), as well as the graphs’ quality, will affect the rating.

Some examples of Master’s theses can be consulted the open archive (Archive ouverte ) by selecting "Master" for the document type and "Faculty of Science".

Oral presentation

The oral presentation is not a summary of your written thesis, but rather an opportunity to present its most important points with the help of a visual aid. It is generally structured as follows:

  •     An introduction with a summary of the literature
  •     Presentation of the problem
  •     Work methodology
  •     Main results
  •     Limitations of the work
  •     Possible future developments

The presentation lasts 35 to 45 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of questions.

Members of the jury are:

  •     Your PI and/or direct supervisor
  •     A co-juror (e.g. a senior researcher from the Department or Section) or the Section referee if the Master's thesis is being carried out outside the Section.

All jury members must hold a PhD.


-> See evaluation criteria and deadlines for submission of dissertation and oral defense.