
Upcoming conferences and invited talks

41. Takuji Adachi, McGill Molecular Science Mini-Meeting (M&MS), July 16-18, 2025 (Montreal, Canada)

40. Takuji Adachi, In situ time-resolved Raman microspectroscopy to study one crystallization at a time, ETH Zurich 7th Raman workshop, June 4-6, 2025 (Zurich, Switzerland), Invited talk

39. Takuji Adachi, In situ optical spectroscopy to probe the early stage of crystallization toward the rational control of polymorphism, Telluride Workshop 2025 "Structure and Reactivity in the Ordered Solid State", May 27-31, 2025 (Colorado, USA)


Past conferences and invited talks

38. Takuji Adachi, Crystal reflections: A celebration of Mike Ward, Department of Chemistry, New York University, November 15, 2024 (NYC, USA), Invited talk

37. Elisa Megroz; Konrad Hedderick; Sara Kozub; Zihan Li; Céline Besnard; Johanna Brazard; Roza Szweda; Takuji Adachi, Self-assembly of sequence-regulated abiotic tetramers for materials mimicking living systems, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography 2024, September 12, 2024 (Basel, Switzerland), Poster presentation

36. Natercia Barbosa; Tetiana Khakhula; Johanna Brazard; Takuji Adachi, Beauty and Complexity of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation: Optical Microscopy and in situ Raman Microspectroscopy Observation, Biominerallization Gordon Research Conference​​​​​, Aug. 4-9, 2024 (New Hampshire, USA) Poster presentation

35. Takuji Adachi, in situ/in vivo optical microspectroscopy to probe the emergence of morphology,​​​ Department of Chemistry Seminar, Osaka metropolitan university (Japan), July 25. 2024, Invited talk

34. Takuji Adachi, Fascinated by the beauty of self-assembly of matters, Department of Applied Physics,​​ Osaka University (Japan), July 11, 2024, Invited talk

33. Takuji Adachi, in situ/in vivo optical microspectroscopy to probe the emergence of morphology,​​​ Bio-Process Engineering Laboratory seminar, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan), July 9, 2024, Invited talk

32. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy to capture the birth of morhology, Adolphe Merkle Institute​​​​​, University of Fribourg, Feb. 8, 2024, Invited talk

31. Johanna Brazard; Oscar Urquidi; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, RamanFest2023 (Paris, Frace), Nov. 9-10, 2023, Oral presentation

30. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy to capture the birth of morhology, LaNSIR (Laboratory for Nanoscale Spectroscopic Imaging)​​​​​​ seminar, Rice University (USA), Oct. 30, 2023, Invited talk

29. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy to capture the birth of morhology, The Analytical and Physical seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin (USA), Oct. 26, 2023, Invited talk

28. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy to capture the birth of morhology, SCS fall meeting 2023, Aug. 24-25, 2023, Oral presentation (Young PI session)

27. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Takuji Adachi, Exploring MicroDLS: A Study of Key Parameters, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023​​​, August 20-24, 2023 (San Diego, USA), Oral presentation

26. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji AdachiIn-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, International Conference of Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-20, Naples, Italy), July 30-Aug 4, 2023, Invited talk

25. Natercia Barbosa; Jean-Michel Jaquet; Oscar Urquidi; Montserrat Filella; Takuji Adachi, Combined in vivo and in vitro studies of BaSO4 formation in green alga Spirogyra, International Conference of Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-20, Naples, Italy), July 30-Aug 4, 2023, Oral presentation

24. Ariel F. Perez Mellor; Daniel Rosa Gastaldo; Céline Besnard; Nicholas Giamboni; Laure Guenee; Maxime Patigniez; Dmitry Chernyshov; Vadim Dyadkin; Xianwei Wang; Johanna Brazard; Radovan Cerny; Takuji Adachi; Thomas Bürgi, Unveiling the Impact of Trifluoroacetic Acid on Phase Transitions in Solid-State Synthesis of Cyclo Leu-Leu: Revelations and Implications, MECAREACT 2023: Vibrational and electronic spectroscopies applied to the study of reaction mechanisms, June 18-23, 2023 (Paris, France), Poster presentation

23. Edoardo Domenichini; Ariel F. Perez Mellor; Johanna Brazard; Sara Kozub; Simone Giuseppe Giuffrida; Thomas Bürgi; Roza Szweda Takuji Adachi, Controlling the chain folding of synthetic polymers using sequence-defined oligocarbamates, MECAREACT 2023: Vibrational and electronic spectroscopies applied to the study of reaction mechanisms, June 18-23, 2023 (Paris, France), Poster presentation

22. Johanna BrazardOscar Urquidi; Gabriel Cotting; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, Glycine crystallization pathway in water and saltwater probed by Single Crystal NucleationSpectroscopy (SCNS), MECAREACT 2023: Vibrational and electronic spectroscopies applied to the study of reaction mechanisms, June 18-23, 2023 (Paris, France), Poster presentation

21. Natercia Barbosa; Jean-Michel Jaquet; Oscar Urquidi; Takuji Adachi; Montserrat Filella, Combined in vitro and in vivo investigation of barite biominerallization in Spirogyra, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography 2022, September 15, 2022 (Bern, Switzerland), Oral presentation

20. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography​​​​ 2022​​​, September 15, 2022 (Bern, Switzerland), Poster presentation

19. Ariel F. Perez Mellor; Daniel Rosa Gastaldo; Xianwei Wang; Nicholas Giamboni; Céline Besnard; Laure Guenee; Maxime Patigniez; Johanna Brazard; Takuji Adachi; Thomas Bürgi, Solid-State Synthesis of cyclo Leu-Leu: zwitterionic form vs trifluoroacetic acid salt, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography 2022, September 15, 2022, Oral presentation

18. Sara Kozub; Ariel F. Perez Mellor; Johanna Brazard; Simone Giuseppe Giuffrida; Thomas Bürgi; Takuji Adachi; Roza Szweda, Control of oligocarbamate shapes through stereochemistry, Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM 2022), September 6-9, 2022 (Wroclaw, Poland), Poster presentation (The best poster prize! Congrats Sara!!)

17. Ariel F. Perez Mellor; Xianwei Wang; Daniel Rosa Gastaldo; Céline Besnard; Nicholas Giamboni; Johanna Brazard; Takuji Adachi; Thomas Bürgi, Solid-State Synthesis of cyclo Leu-Leu: The role of Packing, SCS Fall meeting 2022, September 8, 2022 (Zurich, Switzerland), Oral presentation  

16. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, 15th Young Faculty Meeting 2022, June 7, 2022 (Bern, Switzerland), Oral presentation (invited) 

15. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, McGill Molecular Science Mini-Meeting (M&MS), June 1-3, 2022 (Montreal, Canada), Oral presentation (invited) 

14. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, Virtual Symposium on Solid-State Organic Chemistry (VS3OC)​​​​​​, May 24-25, 2022 (Virtual), Plenary talk (invited)

13. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, annual Workshop for the Swiss Norwegian Beamlines (SNBL), Apr. 5, 2022, 10-min pitch talk (invited) 

12. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Natercia Barbosa; Takuji Adachi, Single crystal nucleation spectroscopy of amino acids with hydrophobic side chains: a step toward the general nucleation model of amino acids, Understanding Crystallisation: Faraday Discussion, Mar. 28-30, 2022, Poster presentation 

11. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, Understanding Crystallisation: Faraday Discussion, Mar. 28-30, 2022, Poster presentation

10. Takuji Adachi, In-situ optical spectroscopy of crystallization: one crystal nucleation at a time, PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, Mar. 11, 2021 (Invited)

9. Takuji Adachi, Optical spectroscopy of crystal nucleation one nucleus at a time, Center for Emergent Functional Matter Science (CEFMS) seminar series: "Protein dynamics", National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Nov. 30, 2021 (Invited)

8. Natercia Barbosa Gonçalves; Oscar Urquidi; Jean-Michel Jaquet; Takuji Adachi; Montserrat Filella, Understanding BaSO4 microcrystal formation in the freshwater algae Spirogyra with laser tweezer Raman microspectroscopy and SEM observations, 19th Swiss geoscience meeting, Nov. 19-20, 2021, Oral presentation

7. Takuji Adachi, Optical spectroscopy of crystal nucleation one nucleus at a time, UniDays 2021, youngSCS event, Nov. 16, 2021 (Invited)

6. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, Optical spectroscopy of crystal nucleation one nucleus at a time, Japan conference on Crystal Growth (JCCG-50, Oct. 27-29), Special symposium "Non-invasive measurement of crystallization dynamics", Oral presentation (Invited)

5. Takuji Adachi, Optical spectroscopy of crystal nucleation one nucleus at a time, Chemistry and Biochemistry department seminar at The University of Southern Mississippi (USA), Sep. 24, 2021, (Invited)

4. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, Optical spectroscopy of crystal nucleation one nucleus at a time, SCS Fall meeting 2021 (, Oral presentation

3. Oscar Urquidi; Michael Kilgour; Johanna Brazard; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, Single nucleus spectroscopy on crystal nucleation of amino acids with hydrophobic side chains, International Conference of Photochemistry 2021 virtual (, Poster presentation

2. Oscar Urquidi; Johanna Brazard; Natalie LeMessurier; Lena Simine; Takuji Adachi, Optical spectroscopy of crystal nucleation one nucleus at a time, International Conference of Photochemistry 2021 virtual (, Oral presentation

1. Natercia Barbosa Gonçalves; Oscar Urquidi; Takuji Adachi; Montserrat Filella, New insights about barium biomineralization in Spirogyra, GoldSchmidt virtual 2021 (, Flash talk presentation