
Événements organisés par la Section de chimie et biochimie

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Patrick NORMAN Prof., KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)

VeloxChem : Science and educating-enabling platform for quantum molecular modeling

・ 2025-03-18 16:30 ・ Sciences III Auditoire 1S081 ・ Contact


Stephane Bellemin-Laponnaz CNRS, IPCMS Strasbourg, France

Nonlinear Behaviour and the Limits of Mechanistic Understanding in Asymmetric Catalysis.

・ 2025-03-20 14:15 ・ Sciences III room 1S059

Olivier Viudes candidat au Doctorat ès sciences, mention chimie, Organic Chemistry Department

Tetra-Hetero Substituted Methanes: Synthesis, Properties, Stability and Resolution

・ 2025-03-20 16:30 ・ Sciences III room 1S059


Marcel Mayor University of Basel, Department of Chemistry

From «Geländer» Architectures to Mechanosensitivity

・ 2025-03-27 14:15 ・ Sciences III room 1S059


Prof. Shirin FARAJI, University of Düsseldorf (Germany)

・ 2025-04-01 16:30 ・ Sciences III Auditoire 1S081 ・ Contact


María Tomás Gamasa Department of Organic Chemistry, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

title coming soon

・ 2025-04-03 14:15 ・ Sciences III room 1S059


Anat Milo Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel

title coming soon

・ 2025-04-14 14:15 ・ Sciences TBA


Michael Mastalerz Institute of Organic Chemistry, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Title Coming Soon

・ 2025-04-24 14:15 ・ Sciences III 1S059


Shengming Ma Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry

Title Coming Soon

・ 2025-05-13 14:15 ・ Sciences III room 1S059

Prof. Sonia CORIANI, Technical University of Denmark

・ 2025-05-13 16:30 ・ Sciences III Auditoire 1S081 ・ Contact


Tehshik Yoon Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI

title coming soon

・ 2025-05-23 14:15 ・ Sciences TBA


Serena Arnaboldi University of Milan, Chemistry Department, Italy

Soft, Wireless Devices Open New Frontiers in Chiral Recognition

・ 2025-06-05 14:15 ・ Sciences III room 1S059


Manuel Alcarazo University of Göttingen, Germany

Title Coming Soon

・ 2025-06-12 14:15 ・ Sciences III


Martin Faňanás-Mastral Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Materials (CIQUS, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

title Coming Soon

・ 2025-06-19 14:15 ・ Sciences


Stefano Menichetti University of Florence, Department of Chemistry, Italy

title coming soon

・ 2025-06-26 14:15 ・ Sciences TBA

Aurélien Chignac candidat au Doctorat ès sciences, mention chimie, Organic Chemistry Department

title coming soon

・ 2025-06-26 16:30 ・ Sciences TBA


Viktoria Gessner Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany

α-Metallated Ylides: From Anionic Cumulenes to Powerful Catalysts

・ 2025-10-09 14:15 ・ Sciences III 1S059


Dorothea Wisser University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Center for Interface Research and Catalysis, Germany

Title coming soon

・ 2025-10-16 14:15 ・ Sciences III 1S059

Section de chimie et biochimie
Sciences II
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30
1211 Genève 4

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