Espace étudiant-es Chimie et Biochimie

Elective course program

The classes in the Master in Biochemistry are listed at the following link :

Course program of the Master in Biochemistry

Each class entry provide the number of ECTS credits, the content of class, the name of the teacher(s), the place and planning. 

The course table is also available from the Student's guide.

When choosing your class, the rules of the Master in Biochemistry imposes a minimum of :

  • 30 ECTS in list A
  • 15 ECTS in list A or list B


Depending on what you want to specialize in, you may be interested to follow classes that are not listed in the program of the Master in Chemistry. In some cases, you may be allow to follow off-list class and get credits for these classes in your Master in Chemistry curriculum. Upon autorisation given by the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, off-list class can be accounted as list B credits.

For example, you may consider the following programs : 

To get the autorisation to follow off-list class within your MSc Chemistry curriculum, use the following online form.  
To be able to access the form, you must use your UNIGE account for the connection.