INNOGAP - Proof-of-Principle Fund

NEXT DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: thursday 10 April 2025
it is not possible anymore to submit a new invention disclosure together with your Innogap application. The application must be based on an existing invention approved by unitec at the time of the innogap project submission. |
Unitec created the INNOGAP proof-of-principle fund to help researchers at UNIGE and HUG to move their research discoveries toward practical implementation. The INNOGAP fund increases the value of their inventions, improves the chances of realizing societal benefits of research and enhance UNIGE's and HUG's ability to license them to existing or newly created companies.
Every year, Unitec distributes INNOGAP grants of up to 30'000CHF each to UNIGE and HUG innovators to help them finance proof-of-principle or prototyping projects.
The INNOGAP fund stems on the one side from UNIGE licensing revenues and on the other side by a yearly input from HUG. Thus, INNOGAP grants are a solidarity contribution to boost creativity and innovation within our institutions.
Nessim-Habif INNOGAP Prize in Life Sciences
A new regulation (RVR decision dated 30 August 2017) updates the conditions for the grant of the Nessim-Habif prize (medicine-surgery). The prize is renamed Nessim-Habif INNOGAP prize in Life Sciences. The conditions are now the same as those applicable with the INNOGAP Fund.
Up to three Nessim-Habif INNOGAP prizes in Life Sciences of up to CHF 30'000 each, can be attributed on an annual basis.
Nessim Habif was trained as an "Arts et Métiers" engineer in Lille and graduated in 1903. He was born in Turkey. After starting his career in Paris, he moved to Egypt where he enjoyed a successful career in the sugar industry. He acted as an advisor to the Egyptian government. Nessim Habif was a philantropist. In his testament, he created several prizes by leaving part of his fortune to institutions such as : the Society of "Arts et Métiers" engineers in France, the royal academy of french langauage and litterature in Belgium and the University of Geneva in Switzerland (source: Wikipedia).
- building prototypes or demonstrators
- proof-of-principle studies
Collaborative projects within UNIGE or with other Geneva institutions (HES, HUG) are particularly encouraged.
- The project is linked to an active Unitec technology commercialization case (an invention disclosure has been filed and accepted by Unitec at least 2 months before the Innogap application deadline).
- The technology is not sufficiently developed for commercialization.
- The grant would, in principle, allow substantial progress towards commercialization.
- Innovator's lab cannot have previously benefited from a INNOGAP grant linked to the same technology.
- The project cannot be funded by other means (except for startup projects).
what does innogap not finance ?
- Laboratory equipement such as: machines, instruments, computers, computer screens.
- Travel and participation costs for conferences.
- Counseling services related to CE or Swissmedic certification (it is the role of the future licensee).
- The innovator provides to Unitec a report detailing the results obtained and the use of the grant within one year after receipt.
- If the grant has not been used within one year, it has to be returned to Unitec.
- The funds must be transferred to the beneficiary within 3 months from receipt of the grant letter.
UNIGE innovators who wish to apply for a INNOGAP grant should send the application form to
NB: as per condition No 1 above, it is not possible to submit a new invention disclosure simultaneously with an Innogap application.
Unitec will review applications to ensure that they fall within the scope of the INNOGAP fund.
If the project falls within the scope of the INNOGAP fund, it will be transmitted - under confidentiality - to the members of the Unitec board.
The Unitec board will decide based on merit and need which projects should be funded.
If you have any questions, please contact your Unitec case manager.
The INNOGAP fund is managed by Matthias Kuhn.