CAFE-S programme: In science, maths counts!

MakeITeasy : Assessing your digital skills

The digital skills you need!


Studying science at the University of Geneva requires you to be comfortable using a variety of IT tools.

CAFE-S offers prospective students in the Faculty of Science access to the UNIGE makeITeasy platform, which allows them to SELF-ASSESS THEIR DIGITAL SKILLS: an online questionnaire can be used to draw up a personalised digital profile that identifies any gaps.



1. Connecting to the platform

iIf your registration has already been confirmed, you can use your login and password from your UNIGE access account (SWITCH edu-ID):

· Go to the platform
· Click on the Login button in the top right-hand corner
· Enter your unige e-mail address and password

 2. Start the questionnaire

· At the top of the page, select Self assess
· At the bottom of the page, select :

Status ... Student
Faculty of reference ... Sciences
Quiz type ... Sciences: questionnaire pour les étudiant-es préuniversitaires


The questionnaire takes 20-30 minutes to complete; it is possible to complete it several times, with the answers already given being retained.

Use of the makeITeasy platform is entirely optional and anonymous, and will have no impact on the evaluation of your courses or on your enrolment at the UNIGE.


CAFE-S Programme (cafe-s(at)
In partnership with the HSeT Foundation (Health Science e-Traning)
With the support of the Henri Moser Foundation