The doctoral degree


You can download our flyer for PhD students. It contains detailed informatin on the different administrative steps to follow as a PhD student.

If you are registered to the PhD School of Life Sciences at the Faculties of Medicine and Science, please check the programme's dedicated website.

To be admitted as a doctoral student, you need to find a Professor or a Senior Lecturer who agrees to supervise your thesis. To do so, you need to contact the departments or sections you are interested in, or apply to a job offer.

Your thesis supervisor will give you an acceptance letter (attestation de direction de thèse).

For more information, please check: Research at UNIGE.

If you are a student of the Faculty of Science, the acceptance letter has to be sent directly to the student office.

If you are not a student of the Faculty of Science, the attestation must be attached to your admission application and sent to the Service des admissions admission office of the University of Geneva.

If you wish to apply for the PhD School of Life Sciences at the Faculties of Medicine and Science, please visit the FAQ for applicants on the programme's website.>

Fee: semester fee of CHF 500 for the first semester and the semester during which the thesis is defended, CHF 65 for the intermediate semesters.

A new acceptance letter (“« attestation» de direction de these”) must be edited, signed by the old and the new supervisor and sent to the student office.

If your thesis supervisor is an Emeritus Professor at the time of your defence, he can stay on as long as he has not been retired for more then a year.

If it is not the case, you must find a thesis co-supervisor within your department.

You need to provide the student office with the following documents:

• the co-supervision request form, duly completed and signed by your supervisor

• the CV of the new co-supervisor.


These documents will be submitted to the Dean.

You need to provide the student office with the following documents:

• the co-supervision request form, duly completed and signed by your supervisor

• the CV of the new co-supervisor.


These documents will be submitted to the Dean.

A PhD cotutelle (or double PhD degree) allows a PhD student to obtain a degree from each of the two institutions involved on the basis of a single defence. The work is supervised by two supervisors - one from each institution.

For more information, you can consult the international relations website.

• If it is a review with your supervisor:

Please complete the doctoral examination registration form.

Make sure to enter the exam title legibly.

The form must be brought to the student office at least 10 days prior to the exam date. It can also be sent by email.


• If it is an examination related to a course for doctoral students and/or masters:

Please fill in the application form de demande d’inscription aux examens, for exam registration, you can find the dates on this page to the Student Secretariat directly or by email.

If you are registered to the PhD School of Life Sciences at the Faculties of Medicine and Science, please check the programme's website.

The “Pôle de soutien à l'enseignement et l'apprendissage » offers one-day workshop to give you the tools, advice and support in order to best prepare your defence. See their Website.

The thesis defence registration must be submitted to the student office, at least 20 calendar days prior to the defence.

Registration is done in two steps, by email.

1 ) The doctoral student submits the following documents by email (in PDF format and named according to the format indicated below) :

• Copy of the 1st page of your thesis according to the imposed model (ApplicantName_Page1.pdf)

Registration form with the detailed list of the jury (ApplicantName_Registration.pdf)

• Manuscript of the thesis (ApplicantName_Manuscrit.pdf (wetransfer or dropbox link recommended)

• Summary in French of one to two pages (RG art. G7 al.1) (ApplicantName_Summary.pdf)

2) The thesis director submits the following documents by mail (in PDF format and named according to the format indicated below):

• The letter from the Section President addressed to the Dean, certifying that all conditions are met for the defence to take place at the date, time and place mentioned at the time of registration (ApplicantName_Section.pdf)

•The thesis report, written by the thesis director and signed by all the members of the jury (ApplicantName_Report.pdf)

The room reservations in buildings Sciences are managed by Pierre-Yves Morgantini at Sciences II. Please contact him by phone : ++41 22 37 96074 or by email.

You can also contact the room reservations office, either by phone on + 41 22 379 75 41 or by email.

Should you want to book a room during the exam sessions, please send an emailto Mrs Jihane-Fabienne Moser at the student office.

In order to edit your Imprimatur (an authorisation to print your thesis), the student office needs the following 3 original documents:

• the final thesis report with the original signatures of all jury members,

• the defence grade transcript with the original signatures of all jury members,

• the form “Mode de publication” duly completed and signed by the thesis supervisor and yourself. The thesis supervisor should only sign this form once all the corrections have been made to the thesis.

When the imprimatur and the mode of publication are signed by the Dean's Office, the Student Office will send an e-mail to the PhD student inviting him/her to come and collect the documents. If the student is not available, another person can pick up the documents, provided that the Student Office is informed by e-mail of the name of the person in question.

Please check this for detailed information on how to deposit your finalised thesis.

Please contact your section / department.

Attention all sections / departments don't refunds.

Once your thesis has been submitted to the “Archives ouvertes” of the University of Geneva, the Diploma office will issue your diploma. It will be sent by mail within approximately 3 weeks.