Impact Collaboration Programme
We are currently conducting a comprehensive review of the Impact Collaboration Programme to enhance its approach and maximise its impact.
Our programme will resume in 2026. Stay tuned!
Annual call for projects

- Are you a scientist willing to engage with policy actors and channel your research towards policy needs?
- Are you an international policy professional looking to ground your work in scientific expertise?
Through an Impact Collaboration Programme (ICP) project, you can develop creative ways to work together to ensure that the best available knowledge supports the design of solutions to the complex issues of our times, in a wide range of fields such as health, migration, environment, peacebuilding and many others.
What does the ICP offer?
- Maximum 60,000 CHF per project (seed funding)
- Tailored support and advice to help maximise impact
- A learning framework to elicit knowledge and build capacity in science-policy collaborations
What is an ICP collaboration project?
The ICP provides support to collaborative projects that explicitly address a science-policy gap around a global issue of relevance to the work of international Geneva actors. We favour projects that envision science-policy engagement activities at the core of their strategy and that aim to improve knowledge exchange, empower actors, build stronger networks, and leverage policy windows to link knowledge production with use in policymaking.
ICP projects must be completed within 18 months.
Who is eligible?
The call supports projects that stem from collaborations involving at least:
- One Academic partner: an actor formally affiliated with an academic institution or network from any location in the world. The main applicant on the Academic side must hold a PhD and work as researcher or equivalent. Applicants can come from any scientific discipline.
- One Policy partner: an intergovernmental organisation based in Geneva. Other institutions such as international NGOs, diplomatic missions, governmental agencies, other international institutions, global networks, think tanks, platforms, partnerships, boundary organisations, etc. can also apply as a policy partner provided they are based in Geneva and explain clearly which intergovernmental processes or organisations will be involved concretely in the project.
ICP 2024 dates
- Project submission: opens on 9 November 2023 and closes on 2 February 2024 (23:59 CET)
- Project selection: Selected projects are announced at the start of April 2024
- A kickoff meeting with the selected projects and an inception meeting with individual projects are organised by mid-May 2024 at the latest.
- The project activities should start within 6 months of the selection announcement.
How to apply?
The collaboration partners are invited to apply by filling a 1’700 word application form and budget template (see below) through an online platform. They designate the main applicant which will be the applying institution, responsible for the grant administration in case of selection.
Mialy Rann, Science-Policy officer, icp[at]gspi[dot]ch