From Volcanic Hazard to Risk Assessment
27-29 June, 2018
Geneva, Switzerland
Volcanic unrest, volcanic eruptions and their aftermath are associated with multiple primary and secondary hazards, which pose short- to long-term threats to people and property. Experience has shown that success in the management of volcanic risks strongly correlates with the degree to which proactive policies of risk reduction are in place before an eruption begins. Such policies should ideally be developed based on comprehensive analysis of the volcanic risk encompassing the full spectrum of volcanic primary hazards (e.g. pyroclastic density currents, lava flows, tephra accumulation and dispersal, gas emissions) and interacting hazards (e.g. lahars triggered by intense rainfall) as well as associated vulnerabilities (e.g. physical, systemic, social, economic, institutional). Risk associated with volcanic eruptions has been recognized as complex and dynamic for many decades, yet still no comprehensive methods for vulnerability and risk analysis are widely accepted. While some models identify individual interactions between volcanic hazard and vulnerability, the absence of multiple dimensions of vulnerability in risk analysis limits our understanding of the real volcanic risk faced by society and impedes the development of efficient and timely mitigation measures.
Main Goal:
We aim to gather experts in the field of volcanic hazard, exposure, vulnerability and risk assessment in order to evaluate the state of the art of risk assessment in volcanology, investigate current gaps and identify research priorities.
Specific objectives:
- identify the benefits of risk assessment for decision makers, current gaps and potential improvements (what has worked and what can be done better?)
- identify key vulnerability aspects that need to be assessed for a comprehensive and efficient risk assessment
- identify that key vulnerability aspects that need to be considered in a multi-hazard context
- identify the optimum hazard and vulnerability products necessary for risk assessment at different scales
Consensual document here
Organizing committee
Costanza Bonadonna, Dpt of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Corine Frischknecht, Dpt of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Susan Loughlin, British Geological Survey, UK
Scira Menoni, Dpt of architecture and urban design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Chris E. Gregg, Dpt of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University, USA
Thomas Wilson, School of Geological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Susanna Jenkins, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore
Sébastien Biass, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore
Shinji Takarada, Geology Survey of Japan, Japan
Eliza Calder, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, UK