Rossana Martini

Professor Emeritus

Rue des Maraîchers 13, Office 402B

+41 (0)22 379 66 12

The focus of my research is on:

  • Palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic evolution of the Tethyan margins and the Panthalassa Ocean
  • Carbonates from these marine systems as archives of the global biological and ecological crisis at both the Permian/Triassic and Triassic/Jurassic boundaries
  • Comparison at a high stratigraphic resolution between Tethyan and Panthalassan provinces to disentangle the factors controlling different organisms' distribution patterns and evolution
  • Taxonomy and systematics of foraminifers as a tool for assessing past depositional and ecological conditions
  • Delving deep into the Panthalassa Ocean - REEFCADE Project (see below) 


The Triassic World: An analogue of the 6th mass extinction?

The REEFCADE long-term research project, created and driven by Professor Rossana Martini, started in 2007 and has since been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Lime Peak_small.jpg

Long term SNSF Project (2007 to 2022)

Recent Publications

Extended list

Former teaching activities

Bachelor courses

(Cours et TP)

1ère année BSc

Evolution de la Vie II

1ère année BSc

Master courses

Life Evolving with Earth

Time dimension analysis in the study of sedimentary successions and paleogeographic implications. Case study of Benthic Foraminifera

Chemical analysis and imaging technics for major and trace elements

Scanning Electron Microscopy and Cathodoluminescence

Geobiosphere, climate and the sedimentary rock record

Climate Change and faunal evolution: case study of the mass extinction at the PTB


Géologie régionale
(Travaux de terrain)

1ère année BSc

Camp de Paléontologie (Travaux de terrain)

1ère année BSc

Grand camp de géologie (Travaux de terrain)

3ème année BSc
