The Section
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Geothermal Energy: from the resource to the fork
Luca Guglielmetti, researcher at the University of Geneva and Stéphane Matteo, movie maker from Wise&Wizard won the first prize from the Swiss Geothermal Association for following the geothermal path from resource to the final utilization.
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Geology during the Science and Sailing Expedition with Gaia
The Department of Earth Sciences unveils some geological secrets about the journey of Gaia, a boat about to embark on a journey of scientific navigation.
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Prof. Bonadonna, Woman Scientist of the Month
Professor with the Department of Earth Sciences, vice-dean of the Faculty of Science and the Head of the CERG-C Program, Constanza Bonadonna distinguished as The Woman Scientist of the Month by European Platform of Woman Scientists.
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Reconstituting past flood events: the contribution of citizen science
This study demonstrates how citizens can help retrieving extent and water level of past flood events, in areas where catalogs of events are nonexistent or incomplete. It also shows that citizen science can help understanding the causes of flooding which are rarely or never recorded by instruments.
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Deep drilling without causing uncontrolled seismic activity
Researchers at the University of Geneva, the University of Florence and the National Research Council (CNR) in Italy, have studied the seismic activity linked to geothermal drilling in search of supercritical fluids. The drilling did not cause uncontrolled seismic activity.
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Terrascope workshops for school pupils about the Swiss electricity mix
UNIGE Renewable Energy Systems group has prepared educational workshops for school pupils within the programme Terrascope.
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Geoff Brown prize for best student poster at VMSG 2020 awarded to Gregor Weber
Ph.D student Gregor Weber was awarded the Geoff Brown prize for best student poster at the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG) conference in Plymouth (UK) for the presentation of "Thermochemical modelling of eruptible magma chemistry: Implication for the compositional diversity of igneous roc…
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Precipitation efficiency controls gold endowments in porphyry deposits
Why are some porphyry deposits – formed by magmatic fluids in volcanic arcs – rich in copper while others primarily contain gold? In an attempt to answer this question, a researcher from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) investigated how the metals are accumulated over the time duration of a minerali…
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2020 SEG Award to Massimo Chiaradia
Massimo Chiaradia (University of Geneva) has been selected as the 2020 SEG Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer on the basis of widely recognized expertise in a field of economic geology.
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Students at the drilling site in Lully
The students of the second year of Bachelor visited the geothermal drilling site GEo-02 in the framework of the course of Geophysics with Animuse. The well GEo-02 is drilled in the framework of the program and has the objective of prospecting the Mesozoic units down to approximatel…