
Department of Earth Sciences Home V2

Our Commitment

The department of Earth Sciences is dedicated to the advancement of fundamental research as well as to its application to societal problems, such as the management of natural resources, the identification of risks posed by natural hazards, and the consequences of human activities on the environment. As part of our mandate we are also commited to provide training for a future generation of geologists through high-quality instruction and research involvement in all the different disciplines of Earth Science.

Sébastien Castelltort
Director of the Department of Earth Sciences

The roots of the Departement of Earth Sciences go back to the XIX century as you can discover in these two articles online : Les sciences géologiques, paléontologiques et minéralogiques à Genève, du XVIIIe au XXe siècle and Alphonse Favre et Carl Vogt et l'enseignement de la géologie à Genève au XIX siècle