Reasonable Accommodations

The University of Geneva offers reasonable accommodations to:

  • Mitigate potential disadvantages resulting from a diagnosed disorder and/or a disability,
  • Enable you to pursue your university education and have the same chances of success as everyone else.

These measures respect the principle of proportionality*. They are implemented subject to material availability, feasibility, and other possible university constraints.

*The action taken to eliminate inequality must comply with the principle of proportionality; there should be no "disproportion between the benefit provided to persons with disabilities and, in particular: the resulting expense, the impact on the environment, nature, or heritage, or the effect on traffic or operational safety." Art.11 LHAND.

In General

According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:

“Reasonable accommodation” means necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Art.2 CRPD

This means that as a student with special needs, you may benefit from “compensatory” measures during your university studies, based on the principle of equitable treatment.



Two main types of accommodations are possible:

  • Accommodations related to studies,
  • Accommodations related to exams.

Depending on the type of accommodation you need, your contact person will differ.

  • For studies, you should contact your faculty directly.
  • For exams, you need to submit an “accommodation request” online to the Special Needs Office.

Temporary health issues, as well as short-term disabilities resulting from an accident, are not managed by the Special Needs Office. In such cases, you should contact your faculty.


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At the University, we provide reasonable accommodations to "students with special needs".

We refer to a "student with special needs" as a student with a diagnosed disorder and/or disability who faces obstacles in completing their studies.

Indeed, exam accommodations must meet the criteria for disadvantage compensation, which aims to neutralize or reduce the limitations caused by a disability and/or a diagnosed disorder.

For more information: >> Special Needs Office

Here is the procedure to follow to request exam accommodations:

Process demande aménagement - EN

>> Start your request