Special needs

Somatic disorders and chronic diseases

What documentation is required for somatic disorders and chronic diseases?

1. A recent assessment from your treating physician of no more than 3 months, containing the following information, must be provided:

  • Justification of the diagnosis (provide test results)
  • Date of diagnosis
  • Summary of current follow‑up
  • Current treatment
  • Description of the consequences of the disorder on your university studies
  • Description of compensation strategies already implemented by you and/or or auxiliary means used
  • Description of the expected evolution
  • Detailed and reasoned propositions for the requested adjustments

It is your responsibility to ask your doctor to provide a document that fulfills the above conditions. An incomplete assessment will be refused.

2. Neuropsychological assessment

Certain neurological diseases or somatic conditions can sometimes result in neuropsychological difficulties (slowness, difficulty in concentrating, etc.) and require special arrangements for examinations. These difficulties must be quantified by appropriate tests and their results must be provided in the submitted report. A certificate proving the disorder with no results of the tests performed is not admissible.

The purpose of the neuropsychological assessment is to explore sensitive cognitive functions that may interfere with the expected performance during examinations (especially processing speed, attentional and executive functions) and to evaluate the role and possible impact of the somatic context on cognitive functioning. The assessment includes the collection of anamnestic data (via an interview and questionnaires) and the evaluation of certain targeted cognitive processes (by means of standardised tools/tests) in order to be able to judge the relevance of particular adjustments.

These assessments can be made with the neuropsychologist of your choice or you can contact the Neuropsychological Consultation of the Pôle Cité of the FPSE at +41(0)22 379 80 65 and book an appointment.

The costs are to be paid by the student and are charged by the Pôle Cité of the FPSE as follows:

  • Analysis of the file: CHF 145.‑hour
  • Additional assessment: CHF 145.‑hour
  • Complete assessment: CHF 500.00.‑