Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

When filling out your "Accommodation Request" form, you will need to attach the following document: "Medical Certificate for Accommodation Request" or MCAR.


The MCAR is a document provided by the Special Needs Office, which includes a number of statements to be completed. We encourage you to fill it out with your health professional (psychiatrist, psychologist).

>> Download the ASD MCAR

UNIGE Services

UNIGE offers various resources to support you in your accommodation request.


Consultation at the FPSE Pôle cité

If you do not have a diagnosis but think you may have ASD, you can contact the Consultation for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Associated Disorders at the FPSE Pôle cité, which can guide you towards the most appropriate steps for your situation.

Fees for the FPSE Pôle cité (the fees will be at your expense):

  • File analysis: CHF 145.-/hour

  • Supplementary assessment: CHF 145.-/hour

  • Full assessment: CHF 500.-


Financial Assistance

As a UNIGE student, you may be eligible for one-time financial assistance to cover these costs.

You will need to apply for financial aid through the University's Financial Aid Service.


If you have a diagnosis of ASD and other difficulties (such as Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity, an anxiety disorder, or dyspraxia), it is recommended to request accommodations for ASD.

In the documents to be provided, you must also include a recent evaluation that attests to these other difficulties (see required documents in the corresponding tabs).

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